As a common processing method in modern manufacturing industry, laser cutting machine breaks the traditional processing method and is widely used in all walks of life with a new cutting method. So, today we will talk about why the cutting process of the fiber laser cutting machine needs to add auxiliary gas and how to use the auxiliary gas reasonably.

The auxiliary gases that can be used by laser cutting machines are mainly air, nitrogen, oxygen and argon. Let's introduce the uses and characteristics of different auxiliary gases. The pressure and flow of each laser cutting machine manufacturer are different, which is inseparable from the size of the cutting nozzle and the thickness of the cutting material. Generally, the required pressure is 0.3-0.8Mpa, and the cutting nozzle is generally 0.02-0.05Mpa. The flow rate varies according to the thickness of the cut material. For example, when cutting 22mm carbon steel, the flow rate of some manufacturers must reach 10M3/h (including the protective oxygen of the double-layer cutting nozzle).

Which auxiliary gas is suitable should be considered according to the actual situation, such as cutting material, cutting thickness, production budget and other conditions. Many gases can generally be used, the key is to consider the cutting cost and product requirements, such as cutting stainless steel materials, when the quality or surface quality of the product is not high, for example, the process of painting and other processes is required in the later stage of product cutting Among them, air can be used as the cutting gas, which can reduce a lot of costs. When the cutting product is the final product and there is no subsequent process, it is necessary to use protective gas, such as craft products.

Compressed air for high quality aluminum cutting; Nitrogen for best edge quality on aluminum, mild steel, galvanized steel and automotive steel; Oxygen for cutting thicker steel; Argon for nitrogen cutting chemistry reacting metal.

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