You will have to do a lot of meandering from place to place in  Diablo 4 Gold order to fulfill quest objectives, and even tackle mandatory story bosses, but you get a lot of XP by doing so. It really just depends on if you’d rather head out into the world to grind through World Events, Whispering Tree quests, and dungeons, or if you want to experience that story a second, third, or even fourth, time around.

Concerning World Tiers, it’s best to simply go through the game on Adventurer (the first World Tier). Then, upon completing the main scenario, bump it up to Nightmare. The experience increase at the second World Tier is incremental, and doesn’t do a lot in terms of overall efficiency.

Another way to increase your general XP gain in Diablo 4 is to group up with other players. Having up to four players in your party will grant a 10% XP increase gain, which will make leveling easier as you tackle hordes of demons and other monstrosities. You will even receive a 5% XP gain when participating in World Events outside of quests if there are other players in your general vicinity.

Diablo 4 has done away with the gambling currency of Diablo 3 — Blood Shards — and replaced it with a different currency that you can get from the new World Events: Murmuring Obols. The ability to gamble for gear is a crucial part of gearing up in the late game, so you’ll want to collect Murmuring Obols whenever you can. But you can only spend them with  buy Diablo IV Gold one vendor: the creepy Purveyors of Curiosity.