There's an assumption from Madden NFL 24

When the players decide to either opt in or out of the settlement plan the matter is sent back towards the Federal Court in Minnesota. If a majority of players decide to not participate then the judge is able to reopen talks between the plaintiffs and Madden 24 coins the league, but there is no threshold to allow that to happen.
There is a belief that the judge, Paul Magnuson, will decide not to send both parties back to the negotiation table. When Magnuson agreed to the Madden NFL 24's proposed settlement in April of this year, he declared:
"It must be said again: those who filed this suit and now oppose the settlement rode through the courtroom under the banner of helping their poor brethren players with the N.F.L. yet today were penniless and often having to deal with injuries or illnesses directly related to their play. It is the height of irresponsibility for these plaintiffs to complain, like children denied dessert that the settlement did not benefit enough the individuals who filed the suit."
Participants who do not opt out of the settlement are able to file individual lawsuits on behalf of the league. They could be pushed to do this due to recent developments in the O'Bannon vs. NCAA case, too in light of the fact that former college players are filing lawsuits over the use of their likeness being used in video games.
In July The Ninth Circuit threw out an appeal brought by the maker of video games EA Sports. The decision dismissed the argument put forth by EA that the likeness of players were protected under the First Amendment and it will allow the appeal to proceed.
The Dryer plaintiffs are observing that case carefully. They're also watching another lawsuit, filed by thousands from former Madden NFL 24 athletes over concussions.
"I think there's an association in the air there," Dryer said of the two cases. "The Madden NFL 24 is looking very capriciously and cavalierly at the issue of concussions.
"There's an assumption from madden 24 coins cheap that "we're looking for that, we're going to do that.' There's an air of arrogance there."