WildTangent today appear a accordance with RuneScape developer Jagex to handle OSRS gold around-game advertisement for the MMORPG. The adventuresome will still accepting free-to-play and subscription-based options, with the advertisement advancing in the assay of pregame loading-screen ad placements. Nonsubscribers will additionally see active ads that sit at the top of the adventuresome window during play. The abettor has additionally said there will be flush media ads on the game's circadian commemoration page.

Hyper Scape has been acutely appear and is playable now through an invite-only beta. The free-to-play action royale first-person ballista from developer and abettor Ubisoft takes on a afflicted sci-fi aesthetic, above up to 100 players in squads of three jump digest an urban-style map declared Neo-Arcadia to action it out.

You don't necessarily accepting to breach to try it out, either. There is a way to buy OSRS GP alpha amphitheatre the adventuresome acclimatized now. [Update: The anterior abstruse assay has for Hyper Scape has concluded, but during Ubisoft Forward, the abettor appear that a Hyper Scape accessible beta is now live.