Frick It was because I was trying to lay on my hands


Let's go out here and then die. So guys, this is the Wintergrasp experience

simply run. What I've learned about whenever I play whenever when WoTLK Classic Gold I'm in Rath during the Beta a tiny bit of something I observed was that

I'm running and I'm unable to lay on my hands because the hands are forbearing. I forgotten to lay on hands you can't learn hands we're now allowed to forbearance Ratan is the King of Lich. sucks. I hate this expansion.

Yes, I believe it's one of those things it's gonna definitely be something that will cause some pain as you learn to play Wrath. And I spent a lot time paying attention to wrath as it played playing but it was my senior year in high school and I played football. I was doing a whole bunch of other stuff and really

Good do I'm taking such a huge amount of damage, what did I do hold on divine protection grants you the ability to reduce it all names in my view present was protecting the target, but it can't be Divine Shield and laying it. I'm not interested in being in your video anymore.

Dude. I don't really know how this expansion works. Always has. Yes, but that it wouldn't grant you forgiveness because I was aware that it helps you reduce the damage. I didn't realize that it can also give you for barons.

Frick It was because I was trying to lay on my hands. Yeah, so basically the way I described it that, this is an entire unfamiliar experience. I'm not sure how to proceed. However, Wintergrasp for you guys who don't know is basically like it's a region of the world that you can wait in line for and then battle over. Many people have this like feeling about the rap Paladins and not Lich King, they've been over the top.

They're super overpowered. In reality, the power of rap has been fed cheap WoTLK Gold. It was almost immediately after launch the Rap Paladins got nerfed immediately after and we're now playing on the patch 335. So we're playing on the final patch, which is the patch of wrath oh god,
