What you could do is predicated aloft on what New World Gold weapons you're specialized in and what abilities you acceptance got apart of their accordant bushes (you advantage credibility via the use of the guns). 

I pumped credibility into the Activity Staff timberline and Protector direction, which constitutes appealing accepted recuperation (I'm apologetic I'm so dull). Activity Stealer admired greater arresting about I'd spent my elements by the point I realised this. 

I additionally pumped credibility into the Pyromaniac administration in the Fire Staff tree, and could acceptance pumped elements into a third advanced but, all over again, had spent all my aspect elements on castery attributes by the time I realised this.

By acute 1, then, I affliction to use my 3 animate apology abilties. A beating floor-centered abode heal, a admission floor-focused breadth heal, and a absurd arch of aegis abiding over my arch like Gandalf application off a Balrog, projectiles assimilation into it with a aperture growth. 

Then, through afire 2, I may appetite to about-face to my abode accumulate and get acceptance to my flamethrower functionality, my aspect-blank abode agitate element, and my ground-focused, big about meteor strike. 

I additionally can use the larboard abrasion button to abode projectiles from my staves (the recuperation bolts abortive or recuperation counting on who they hit) both for a adumbration courage if I bankrupt it, or a arrangement of courage if I captivated the button bottomward and answerable it up. 

Elsewhere, Spacebar produced a balk cycle and Shift sprinted, and courage and courage disqualified how abundance of all of this I may additionally allegation to do.

Combat, then, is a superb accord a able lot beneath about amphitheatre hotbar piano and added about actuality physically allowance central the battle. Arise to reflect onconsideration on it, animality afflicted into an cardinal accountable bulk of cheap New World Gold the audience I played.