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Alright, well we can leave our professions and so, the next issue is to decide what you can keep and what to discard.

Thinking about it again, the levels, or levels could be anything from level 1 to WoTLK Gold 70. What are some essential things that a lot of people would just dispose of or delete, you know which you might keep hold of and make lots of gold from in the future.

And, believe it or not, it was just the first part of five, so if you are interested in seeing all the other parts, make sure to subscribe and like and inform me in the comments if want to see the rest because ultimately it's your choice wherever part 234 and five will be published, so be sure to like and subscribe.

Look over the resting XP in the pinned comment and roll the outro there's lots of ways you can help support the channel to keep me posting new World of Warcraft content and covering the future MMOs Consider becoming members you have access to the emotes people know you remember as you Mind on future videos because you get an attractive symbol next to your name. Also, you'll get access to exclusive videos for members which I'll put lots of on the channel throughout the year in addition, there's a Patreon button in the description as well thank you for watching all the way up to the very end. see you on the next episode.

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Since a while I've produced several videos about mining and engineering. One was on WoTLK Classic Gold for sale how to extract tons of cobalt as in the beginning of a level seven erosion.
