Warlocks are magic users who have signed

As the most agile class, what Dark And Darker Gold the Rogue lacks in health and strength, they make up for in movement speed and agility. Their quick attack sees them attack using repeated pokes with the small Rondel daggers. A Rogue also has limited access to ranged combat as they start with three throwable knives.
Of course, a Rogue specializes in stealth, which allows for some excellent perks and skills, including the ability to steal items from enemies or pick locks without requiring a lockpick. They’re perhaps a bit harder to use in combat than any of the other classes, but being able to hide from your foes can make PvP fights a little more unpredictable.
Rupture – the next successful attack causes the target to bleed for 20 physical damage over five seconds. This buff is consumed if an attack hits an object or your target. Immortal Lament – casting spells won’t take you below one health point, but your spell power bonus reduces by 5%.
Hide – become invisible for one minute. It’s possible to change your equipment in this state. Your position is revealed when you attempt any non-stealthy action, such as moving, attacking, or using a skill.
Warlocks are magic users who have signed up with the devil. They channel their powers through sacrifice, summoning hellfire, and weakening their foes. While nowhere near as explosive in damage as the Wizard, they are a little more durable. Unlike Wizards, a Warlock can use swords and other single-hand melee weapons with finesse.
As the newest class on the roster, we have spent little time with the Warlock. However, as the only other offensive magic user outside of Dark And Darker Gold for sale the Wizard, it stands a chance of becoming a fan favorite. Their ability to temporarily escape reality to get some distance is vital to their survivability.