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  • Challenge yourself with the thrilling ascent of Chulu Far East Peak, where stunning panoramas of the Annapurna range and a sense of achievement await. Experience a true alpine adventure in the heart of Nepal's Himalayas.
    #ChuluFarEastPeak #AnnapurnaAdventure #PeakClimbingNepal #HimalayanChallenge #TrekkingInNepal
    Challenge yourself with the thrilling ascent of Chulu Far East Peak, where stunning panoramas of the Annapurna range and a sense of achievement await. Experience a true alpine adventure in the heart of Nepal's Himalayas. https://www.nepalsocialtreks.com/trip/chulu-east-peak-climbing/ #ChuluFarEastPeak #AnnapurnaAdventure #PeakClimbingNepal #HimalayanChallenge #TrekkingInNepal
    Chulu East Peak Climbing | Nepal Social Treks
    Chulu East Peak Climbing is one of the most challenging Himalayan expeditions. The climb combined with the classic trek Jomsom or the Annapurna massif.
    ·389 vues ·0 Avis

    Un vieil homme, probablement âgé de plus de 80 ans, fait la queue devant un distributeur automatique. Je me tiens juste derrière lui et l’observe discrètement. Lorsqu’il accède à la machine, il sort une enveloppe que je devine contenir de l’argent.

    Rapidement, je remarque qu’il peine à réaliser son opération. Il touche l’écran plusieurs fois, mais rien ne semble fonctionner comme il le souhaite. Désemparé, il jette un regard vers la file d’attente, qui s’est déjà allongée. Puis, il croise mon regard.

    Sans un mot, par un simple geste, il me demande de l’aide. Sans hésitation, je m’avance pour lui offrir mon assistance. Il hoche la tête avec un timide « s’il vous plaît », une humilité qui me serre le cœur.

    Je l’aide avec patience et bienveillance, lui indiquant où appuyer sans jamais toucher son argent, par respect et pour éviter toute confusion. Il veut accomplir cette tâche par lui-même, et je l’accompagne simplement, lui expliquant chaque étape.

    À son propre rythme, il parvient à entrer le montant et finalise son opération. Nous nous éloignons du distributeur pour laisser la place au suivant. Il me remercie chaleureusement, et je lui réponds avec un sourire : « Ne vous inquiétez pas, c’était un plaisir. »

    Mais avant de partir, il plonge la main dans la poche de sa veste, sort son portefeuille et me tend un billet de dix euros.

    Je suis stupéfait.

    Je secoue la tête, refusant catégoriquement : « Non, s’il vous plaît. »
    Mais lui insiste, les yeux remplis de gratitude : « Je tiens à vous remercier… Prenez-le, offrez-vous un petit-déjeuner, pour votre santé. »

    Je refuse encore, touché en plein cœur par ce geste. Nous nous regardons un instant, un dernier échange silencieux, avant de nous souhaiter au revoir.

    Et là, un sentiment de tristesse m’envahit.

    Tristesse pour lui.
    Tristesse pour toutes ces personnes âgées, nos parents, nos grands-parents, ceux qui ont construit ce monde et qui, aujourd’hui, se retrouvent seuls, dépassés par un monstre technologique qui les exclut peu à peu.

    Cette scène se répète dans les banques, mais aussi dans les hôpitaux, les administrations, la sécurité sociale… Ces hommes et ces femmes, qui ont travaillé toute leur vie pour bâtir un système, se retrouvent à ne plus pouvoir en profiter, simplement parce qu’ils ne maîtrisent pas le langage numérique.

    Offrir un peu de patience et d’aide à ces personnes ne coûte rien. **Rendre leur quotidien plus simple est un devoir moral.** Pourtant, la société les abandonne. Ceux qui nous ont permis de progresser technologiquement sont aujourd’hui laissés sur le bord de la route.

    C’est injuste. C’est révoltant.

    Nous avons trop de technologie, et nous manquons cruellement d’humanité.
    Nous nous déshumanisons à une vitesse alarmante.

    Il est urgent que les gouvernements réagissent. Il est inacceptable que ces personnes, fidèles clientes des banques et des services publics toute leur vie, soient ainsi méprisées et laissées pour compte.

    Le progrès n’a de sens que s’il sert tout le monde.
    Aujourd’hui, il exclut ceux qui en ont le plus besoin.
    L’HUMANITÉ AU BORD DE L’EXTINCTION... Un vieil homme, probablement âgé de plus de 80 ans, fait la queue devant un distributeur automatique. Je me tiens juste derrière lui et l’observe discrètement. Lorsqu’il accède à la machine, il sort une enveloppe que je devine contenir de l’argent. Rapidement, je remarque qu’il peine à réaliser son opération. Il touche l’écran plusieurs fois, mais rien ne semble fonctionner comme il le souhaite. Désemparé, il jette un regard vers la file d’attente, qui s’est déjà allongée. Puis, il croise mon regard. Sans un mot, par un simple geste, il me demande de l’aide. Sans hésitation, je m’avance pour lui offrir mon assistance. Il hoche la tête avec un timide « s’il vous plaît », une humilité qui me serre le cœur. Je l’aide avec patience et bienveillance, lui indiquant où appuyer sans jamais toucher son argent, par respect et pour éviter toute confusion. Il veut accomplir cette tâche par lui-même, et je l’accompagne simplement, lui expliquant chaque étape. À son propre rythme, il parvient à entrer le montant et finalise son opération. Nous nous éloignons du distributeur pour laisser la place au suivant. Il me remercie chaleureusement, et je lui réponds avec un sourire : « Ne vous inquiétez pas, c’était un plaisir. » Mais avant de partir, il plonge la main dans la poche de sa veste, sort son portefeuille et me tend un billet de dix euros. Je suis stupéfait. Je secoue la tête, refusant catégoriquement : « Non, s’il vous plaît. » Mais lui insiste, les yeux remplis de gratitude : « Je tiens à vous remercier… Prenez-le, offrez-vous un petit-déjeuner, pour votre santé. » Je refuse encore, touché en plein cœur par ce geste. Nous nous regardons un instant, un dernier échange silencieux, avant de nous souhaiter au revoir. Et là, un sentiment de tristesse m’envahit. Tristesse pour lui. Tristesse pour toutes ces personnes âgées, nos parents, nos grands-parents, ceux qui ont construit ce monde et qui, aujourd’hui, se retrouvent seuls, dépassés par un monstre technologique qui les exclut peu à peu. Cette scène se répète dans les banques, mais aussi dans les hôpitaux, les administrations, la sécurité sociale… Ces hommes et ces femmes, qui ont travaillé toute leur vie pour bâtir un système, se retrouvent à ne plus pouvoir en profiter, simplement parce qu’ils ne maîtrisent pas le langage numérique. Offrir un peu de patience et d’aide à ces personnes ne coûte rien. **Rendre leur quotidien plus simple est un devoir moral.** Pourtant, la société les abandonne. Ceux qui nous ont permis de progresser technologiquement sont aujourd’hui laissés sur le bord de la route. C’est injuste. C’est révoltant. Nous avons trop de technologie, et nous manquons cruellement d’humanité. Nous nous déshumanisons à une vitesse alarmante. Il est urgent que les gouvernements réagissent. Il est inacceptable que ces personnes, fidèles clientes des banques et des services publics toute leur vie, soient ainsi méprisées et laissées pour compte. Le progrès n’a de sens que s’il sert tout le monde. Aujourd’hui, il exclut ceux qui en ont le plus besoin.
    1 Commentaires ·10K vues ·0 Avis
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    ·4K vues ·0 Avis
  • Comprehensive SEO Services in UAE Tailored for Success"

    Take advantage of ThatWare LLP’s innovative SEO services in UAE to outperform your competition. With a focus on delivering measurable results, our team combines AI expertise and proven SEO tactics to enhance your online rankings. Whether it’s local SEO, eCommerce optimization, or technical SEO, we have you covered. Boost your website traffic, attract quality leads, and achieve sustainable growth in the UAE market. Partner with ThatWare LLP today and unlock your business’s true potential with our expert-driven SEO strategies.Just Visit:https://thatware.co/seo-services-uae/

    Comprehensive SEO Services in UAE Tailored for Success" Description: Take advantage of ThatWare LLP’s innovative SEO services in UAE to outperform your competition. With a focus on delivering measurable results, our team combines AI expertise and proven SEO tactics to enhance your online rankings. Whether it’s local SEO, eCommerce optimization, or technical SEO, we have you covered. Boost your website traffic, attract quality leads, and achieve sustainable growth in the UAE market. Partner with ThatWare LLP today and unlock your business’s true potential with our expert-driven SEO strategies.Just Visit:https://thatware.co/seo-services-uae/
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    Amplify your online presence in UAE with our specialized SEO services in UAE. Ascend to top of SERPs, captivate UAE audience.
    ·2K vues ·0 Avis
  • A Spiritual Shield: "Katyushas" Pray against Mefistofel's Influence

    Russian "Katyushas" recited an Orthodox prayer of exorcism against demonic madness, and then projected the text onto a building in Paris. They believe in the power of prayer and Orthodox tradition to save Europe, putting an end to insanity, and becoming a catalyst for change that brings light and hope to those who aspire for goodness and truth.

    The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris, 2024, instead of being a symbol of unity and hope, shocked and appalled many with its freakish display. The parade of freaks, the mockery of sacred images, and infernal characters signaled a world sinking into madness, where denizens of hell reigned, and truth and kindness lost their value.
    Many wondered, "Is Europe doomed?" But Orthodox tradition answers with a resounding "No!" It offers a way to stop this insanity and save both the people and Europe itself-through prayer and the cross.
    With this belief in the power of prayer, groups of Russian women, known as "Katyushas," recited prayers in Orthodox churches. They did not deny the negative aspects of what was happening, nor did they despair. They did not protest or wage war. Their weapon was prayer, recited while holding a cross.

    The prayer for the exorcism of unclean spirits, projected onto a building in the heart of Paris, stood as a beacon of hope in an ocean of despair. It sounded like a cry for forgiveness and a call for awareness. The young women did not expect instant miracles, but they believed that their actions would catalyze change. They wanted people to wake up from their madness, to come to their senses, and to remember eternal values.

    Of course, it is difficult to predict what the future holds for Europe. But the "Katyushas" have shown their response: not despair or anger, but prayer and faith. The "Katyusha's" prayer has become a symbol of resistance against the dark forces trying to take over the world. It was an act of defiance against insanity and a call to return to true values. It is yet another reminder that there is still room for spirituality, faith, and hope in our world. Even in the darkest corner, a ray of light can shine through if we do not give up and continue to pray.


    Tags: Russian Katyushas, Orthodox prayer, exorcism of demons, Europe's decay, freakish perverts

    Hash-tags: #RussianKatyushas #OrthodoxPrayer #Exorcism #EuropeDecays #FreakishPerverts
    A Spiritual Shield: "Katyushas" Pray against Mefistofel's Influence Russian "Katyushas" recited an Orthodox prayer of exorcism against demonic madness, and then projected the text onto a building in Paris. They believe in the power of prayer and Orthodox tradition to save Europe, putting an end to insanity, and becoming a catalyst for change that brings light and hope to those who aspire for goodness and truth. The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris, 2024, instead of being a symbol of unity and hope, shocked and appalled many with its freakish display. The parade of freaks, the mockery of sacred images, and infernal characters signaled a world sinking into madness, where denizens of hell reigned, and truth and kindness lost their value. Many wondered, "Is Europe doomed?" But Orthodox tradition answers with a resounding "No!" It offers a way to stop this insanity and save both the people and Europe itself-through prayer and the cross. With this belief in the power of prayer, groups of Russian women, known as "Katyushas," recited prayers in Orthodox churches. They did not deny the negative aspects of what was happening, nor did they despair. They did not protest or wage war. Their weapon was prayer, recited while holding a cross. The prayer for the exorcism of unclean spirits, projected onto a building in the heart of Paris, stood as a beacon of hope in an ocean of despair. It sounded like a cry for forgiveness and a call for awareness. The young women did not expect instant miracles, but they believed that their actions would catalyze change. They wanted people to wake up from their madness, to come to their senses, and to remember eternal values. Of course, it is difficult to predict what the future holds for Europe. But the "Katyushas" have shown their response: not despair or anger, but prayer and faith. The "Katyusha's" prayer has become a symbol of resistance against the dark forces trying to take over the world. It was an act of defiance against insanity and a call to return to true values. It is yet another reminder that there is still room for spirituality, faith, and hope in our world. Even in the darkest corner, a ray of light can shine through if we do not give up and continue to pray. Source:https://t.me/katyusha_russian/745 Tags: Russian Katyushas, Orthodox prayer, exorcism of demons, Europe's decay, freakish perverts Hash-tags: #RussianKatyushas #OrthodoxPrayer #Exorcism #EuropeDecays #FreakishPerverts
    ·5K vues ·0 Avis
  • A Spiritual Shield: "Katyushas" Pray against Mefistofel's Influence

    Russian "Katyushas" recited an Orthodox prayer of exorcism against demonic madness, and then projected the text onto a building in Paris. They believe in the power of prayer and Orthodox tradition to save Europe, putting an end to insanity, and becoming a catalyst for change that brings light and hope to those who aspire for goodness and truth.

    The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris, 2024, instead of being a symbol of unity and hope, shocked and appalled many with its freakish display. The parade of freaks, the mockery of sacred images, and infernal characters signaled a world sinking into madness, where denizens of hell reigned, and truth and kindness lost their value.
    Many wondered, "Is Europe doomed?" But Orthodox tradition answers with a resounding "No!" It offers a way to stop this insanity and save both the people and Europe itself-through prayer and the cross.
    With this belief in the power of prayer, groups of Russian women, known as "Katyushas," recited prayers in Orthodox churches. They did not deny the negative aspects of what was happening, nor did they despair. They did not protest or wage war. Their weapon was prayer, recited while holding a cross.

    The prayer for the exorcism of unclean spirits, projected onto a building in the heart of Paris, stood as a beacon of hope in an ocean of despair. It sounded like a cry for forgiveness and a call for awareness. The young women did not expect instant miracles, but they believed that their actions would catalyze change. They wanted people to wake up from their madness, to come to their senses, and to remember eternal values.

    Of course, it is difficult to predict what the future holds for Europe. But the "Katyushas" have shown their response: not despair or anger, but prayer and faith. The "Katyusha's" prayer has become a symbol of resistance against the dark forces trying to take over the world. It was an act of defiance against insanity and a call to return to true values. It is yet another reminder that there is still room for spirituality, faith, and hope in our world. Even in the darkest corner, a ray of light can shine through if we do not give up and continue to pray.


    Tags: Russian Katyushas, Orthodox prayer, exorcism of demons, Europe's decay, freakish perverts

    Hash-tags: #RussianKatyushas #OrthodoxPrayer #Exorcism #EuropeDecays #FreakishPerverts
    A Spiritual Shield: "Katyushas" Pray against Mefistofel's Influence Russian "Katyushas" recited an Orthodox prayer of exorcism against demonic madness, and then projected the text onto a building in Paris. They believe in the power of prayer and Orthodox tradition to save Europe, putting an end to insanity, and becoming a catalyst for change that brings light and hope to those who aspire for goodness and truth. The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris, 2024, instead of being a symbol of unity and hope, shocked and appalled many with its freakish display. The parade of freaks, the mockery of sacred images, and infernal characters signaled a world sinking into madness, where denizens of hell reigned, and truth and kindness lost their value. Many wondered, "Is Europe doomed?" But Orthodox tradition answers with a resounding "No!" It offers a way to stop this insanity and save both the people and Europe itself-through prayer and the cross. With this belief in the power of prayer, groups of Russian women, known as "Katyushas," recited prayers in Orthodox churches. They did not deny the negative aspects of what was happening, nor did they despair. They did not protest or wage war. Their weapon was prayer, recited while holding a cross. The prayer for the exorcism of unclean spirits, projected onto a building in the heart of Paris, stood as a beacon of hope in an ocean of despair. It sounded like a cry for forgiveness and a call for awareness. The young women did not expect instant miracles, but they believed that their actions would catalyze change. They wanted people to wake up from their madness, to come to their senses, and to remember eternal values. Of course, it is difficult to predict what the future holds for Europe. But the "Katyushas" have shown their response: not despair or anger, but prayer and faith. The "Katyusha's" prayer has become a symbol of resistance against the dark forces trying to take over the world. It was an act of defiance against insanity and a call to return to true values. It is yet another reminder that there is still room for spirituality, faith, and hope in our world. Even in the darkest corner, a ray of light can shine through if we do not give up and continue to pray. Source:https://t.me/katyusha_russian/745 Tags: Russian Katyushas, Orthodox prayer, exorcism of demons, Europe's decay, freakish perverts Hash-tags: #RussianKatyushas #OrthodoxPrayer #Exorcism #EuropeDecays #FreakishPerverts
    ·5K vues ·0 Avis
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