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    Un vieil homme, probablement âgé de plus de 80 ans, fait la queue devant un distributeur automatique. Je me tiens juste derrière lui et l’observe discrètement. Lorsqu’il accède à la machine, il sort une enveloppe que je devine contenir de l’argent.

    Rapidement, je remarque qu’il peine à réaliser son opération. Il touche l’écran plusieurs fois, mais rien ne semble fonctionner comme il le souhaite. Désemparé, il jette un regard vers la file d’attente, qui s’est déjà allongée. Puis, il croise mon regard.

    Sans un mot, par un simple geste, il me demande de l’aide. Sans hésitation, je m’avance pour lui offrir mon assistance. Il hoche la tête avec un timide « s’il vous plaît », une humilité qui me serre le cœur.

    Je l’aide avec patience et bienveillance, lui indiquant où appuyer sans jamais toucher son argent, par respect et pour éviter toute confusion. Il veut accomplir cette tâche par lui-même, et je l’accompagne simplement, lui expliquant chaque étape.

    À son propre rythme, il parvient à entrer le montant et finalise son opération. Nous nous éloignons du distributeur pour laisser la place au suivant. Il me remercie chaleureusement, et je lui réponds avec un sourire : « Ne vous inquiétez pas, c’était un plaisir. »

    Mais avant de partir, il plonge la main dans la poche de sa veste, sort son portefeuille et me tend un billet de dix euros.

    Je suis stupéfait.

    Je secoue la tête, refusant catégoriquement : « Non, s’il vous plaît. »
    Mais lui insiste, les yeux remplis de gratitude : « Je tiens à vous remercier… Prenez-le, offrez-vous un petit-déjeuner, pour votre santé. »

    Je refuse encore, touché en plein cœur par ce geste. Nous nous regardons un instant, un dernier échange silencieux, avant de nous souhaiter au revoir.

    Et là, un sentiment de tristesse m’envahit.

    Tristesse pour lui.
    Tristesse pour toutes ces personnes âgées, nos parents, nos grands-parents, ceux qui ont construit ce monde et qui, aujourd’hui, se retrouvent seuls, dépassés par un monstre technologique qui les exclut peu à peu.

    Cette scène se répète dans les banques, mais aussi dans les hôpitaux, les administrations, la sécurité sociale… Ces hommes et ces femmes, qui ont travaillé toute leur vie pour bâtir un système, se retrouvent à ne plus pouvoir en profiter, simplement parce qu’ils ne maîtrisent pas le langage numérique.

    Offrir un peu de patience et d’aide à ces personnes ne coûte rien. **Rendre leur quotidien plus simple est un devoir moral.** Pourtant, la société les abandonne. Ceux qui nous ont permis de progresser technologiquement sont aujourd’hui laissés sur le bord de la route.

    C’est injuste. C’est révoltant.

    Nous avons trop de technologie, et nous manquons cruellement d’humanité.
    Nous nous déshumanisons à une vitesse alarmante.

    Il est urgent que les gouvernements réagissent. Il est inacceptable que ces personnes, fidèles clientes des banques et des services publics toute leur vie, soient ainsi méprisées et laissées pour compte.

    Le progrès n’a de sens que s’il sert tout le monde.
    Aujourd’hui, il exclut ceux qui en ont le plus besoin.
    L’HUMANITÉ AU BORD DE L’EXTINCTION... Un vieil homme, probablement âgé de plus de 80 ans, fait la queue devant un distributeur automatique. Je me tiens juste derrière lui et l’observe discrètement. Lorsqu’il accède à la machine, il sort une enveloppe que je devine contenir de l’argent. Rapidement, je remarque qu’il peine à réaliser son opération. Il touche l’écran plusieurs fois, mais rien ne semble fonctionner comme il le souhaite. Désemparé, il jette un regard vers la file d’attente, qui s’est déjà allongée. Puis, il croise mon regard. Sans un mot, par un simple geste, il me demande de l’aide. Sans hésitation, je m’avance pour lui offrir mon assistance. Il hoche la tête avec un timide « s’il vous plaît », une humilité qui me serre le cœur. Je l’aide avec patience et bienveillance, lui indiquant où appuyer sans jamais toucher son argent, par respect et pour éviter toute confusion. Il veut accomplir cette tâche par lui-même, et je l’accompagne simplement, lui expliquant chaque étape. À son propre rythme, il parvient à entrer le montant et finalise son opération. Nous nous éloignons du distributeur pour laisser la place au suivant. Il me remercie chaleureusement, et je lui réponds avec un sourire : « Ne vous inquiétez pas, c’était un plaisir. » Mais avant de partir, il plonge la main dans la poche de sa veste, sort son portefeuille et me tend un billet de dix euros. Je suis stupéfait. Je secoue la tête, refusant catégoriquement : « Non, s’il vous plaît. » Mais lui insiste, les yeux remplis de gratitude : « Je tiens à vous remercier… Prenez-le, offrez-vous un petit-déjeuner, pour votre santé. » Je refuse encore, touché en plein cœur par ce geste. Nous nous regardons un instant, un dernier échange silencieux, avant de nous souhaiter au revoir. Et là, un sentiment de tristesse m’envahit. Tristesse pour lui. Tristesse pour toutes ces personnes âgées, nos parents, nos grands-parents, ceux qui ont construit ce monde et qui, aujourd’hui, se retrouvent seuls, dépassés par un monstre technologique qui les exclut peu à peu. Cette scène se répète dans les banques, mais aussi dans les hôpitaux, les administrations, la sécurité sociale… Ces hommes et ces femmes, qui ont travaillé toute leur vie pour bâtir un système, se retrouvent à ne plus pouvoir en profiter, simplement parce qu’ils ne maîtrisent pas le langage numérique. Offrir un peu de patience et d’aide à ces personnes ne coûte rien. **Rendre leur quotidien plus simple est un devoir moral.** Pourtant, la société les abandonne. Ceux qui nous ont permis de progresser technologiquement sont aujourd’hui laissés sur le bord de la route. C’est injuste. C’est révoltant. Nous avons trop de technologie, et nous manquons cruellement d’humanité. Nous nous déshumanisons à une vitesse alarmante. Il est urgent que les gouvernements réagissent. Il est inacceptable que ces personnes, fidèles clientes des banques et des services publics toute leur vie, soient ainsi méprisées et laissées pour compte. Le progrès n’a de sens que s’il sert tout le monde. Aujourd’hui, il exclut ceux qui en ont le plus besoin.
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  • Understanding Your Menstrual Cycle: Tips from Leading Gynecologists

    The monthly cycle is a characteristic and fundamental piece of ladies' well-being, yet it stays one of the most un-figured out parts of the female body. For the overwhelming majority, a month-to-month event can accompany different side effects, however, finding out about it can prompt better administration and mindfulness.
    What is the Period?
    The female cycle is a month-to-month procedure that consists of adjustments within the woman's conceptive framework to plot an anticipated pregnancy. It generally goes on for around 28 days, however, cycles can move from 21 to 35 days.
    The cycle is separated into a few stages:
    • Feminine Stage: This is while draining happens, normally enduring between 3 to 7 days. It denotes the beginning of the cycle.
    • Follicular Stage: Covers with the feminine stage and stretches out until ovulation. During this stage, the body produces a follicle-invigorating chemical (FSH), which animates the ovaries to create follicles.
    • Ovulation: Ordinarily happens across the center of the cycle, around day 14 in a 28-day cycle. An egg is set free of the ovary and goes down the fallopian tube, prepared for remedy.

    Overseeing Feminine Side Effects
    Numerous ladies experience side effects, for example, cramps, mindset swings, and weakness during their feminine cycle. Here are a few master ways to deal with these side effects:
    • Relief from discomfort: Over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen can assist with reducing feminine issues. Applying intensity to the lower midsection or rehearsing unwinding methods can likewise be gainful.
    • Diet and Hydration: Keeping a reasonable eating routine and remaining hydrated can assist with overseeing side effects. Lessening caffeine and pungent food sources can mitigate swelling and emotional episodes.

    About Pahlajanis' Women's Hospital Raipur
    Pahlajanis' Women's Hospital in Raipur is an eminent place for ladies' well-being, work in gynecology and conceptive consideration. With a group of experienced gynecologists and best-in-class offices, the clinic offers extensive administrations including normal check-ups, high-level symptomatic tests, and customized treatment plans. Their obligation to patient-focused care guarantees that every lady gets the consideration and ability expected to successfully deal with her feminine well-being and by and large prosperity.
    Read more: https://bit.ly/4bXhu8m
    Understanding Your Menstrual Cycle: Tips from Leading Gynecologists The monthly cycle is a characteristic and fundamental piece of ladies' well-being, yet it stays one of the most un-figured out parts of the female body. For the overwhelming majority, a month-to-month event can accompany different side effects, however, finding out about it can prompt better administration and mindfulness. What is the Period? The female cycle is a month-to-month procedure that consists of adjustments within the woman's conceptive framework to plot an anticipated pregnancy. It generally goes on for around 28 days, however, cycles can move from 21 to 35 days. The cycle is separated into a few stages: • Feminine Stage: This is while draining happens, normally enduring between 3 to 7 days. It denotes the beginning of the cycle. • Follicular Stage: Covers with the feminine stage and stretches out until ovulation. During this stage, the body produces a follicle-invigorating chemical (FSH), which animates the ovaries to create follicles. • Ovulation: Ordinarily happens across the center of the cycle, around day 14 in a 28-day cycle. An egg is set free of the ovary and goes down the fallopian tube, prepared for remedy. Overseeing Feminine Side Effects Numerous ladies experience side effects, for example, cramps, mindset swings, and weakness during their feminine cycle. Here are a few master ways to deal with these side effects: • Relief from discomfort: Over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen can assist with reducing feminine issues. Applying intensity to the lower midsection or rehearsing unwinding methods can likewise be gainful. • Diet and Hydration: Keeping a reasonable eating routine and remaining hydrated can assist with overseeing side effects. Lessening caffeine and pungent food sources can mitigate swelling and emotional episodes. About Pahlajanis' Women's Hospital Raipur Pahlajanis' Women's Hospital in Raipur is an eminent place for ladies' well-being, work in gynecology and conceptive consideration. With a group of experienced gynecologists and best-in-class offices, the clinic offers extensive administrations including normal check-ups, high-level symptomatic tests, and customized treatment plans. Their obligation to patient-focused care guarantees that every lady gets the consideration and ability expected to successfully deal with her feminine well-being and by and large prosperity. Read more: https://bit.ly/4bXhu8m
    The Best Gynecologist In Raipur Chhattisgarh
    Dr Neeraj Pahlajani, Best Gynecologist in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, stands proud as a leading figure in gynecology. Comprehensive care for women's health in Raipur.
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  • Understanding Your Gynecologist's Role in Pregnancy

    In an article, pregnancy is best described as a special and testing adventure for a woman. It includes numerous parts of ladies' well-being that need cautious administration. Your gynecologist assumes an essential part in this journey.

    What is Obstetrics and Gynecology?
    Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB-GYN) is a clinical speciality focused on girls's fitness. Gynecology covers all factors of reproductive health. Obstetrics especially deals with pregnancy and childbirth.

    Functions that a Gynecologist Embarks During Pregnancy
    • Prenatal Care: Apart from the gynecologist, you will also provide prenatal care with the following likely to be involved. This involves, going to the hospital to visit the doctor to confirm your health as well as that of the baby.
    • Fertility Treatment: For people who have encountered trouble considering, a gynecologist can go about as a ripeness subject matter expert. They offer different richness medicines and backing to assist you with accomplishing pregnancy. They will work intimately with you to address any fertility issues you may have.
    • Sexual Health: Pregnancy is a level in a woman’s sexual reproductive cycle that incorporates several influences on sexual fitness. Since a gynecologist deals with the functions of the girl's reproductive system, he or she will be able to advise you on a way to have a wholesome sex existence as you are expectant. They can explain and reassure it to avoid unsightly conditions ultimately.
    • Monitoring Conceptive Well-being: All through your pregnancy, your gynecologist screens your, generally speaking, reproductive well-being. They guarantee that your conceptive organs are healthy and working accurately. This incorporates regular screenings and tests to early catch any issues.

    Pahlajanis' Women's Hospital
    Pahlajanis' Women's Hospital and IVF Center is committed to giving excellent gynecological and obstetric consideration. Situated in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, this best-in-class office has practical experience in far-reaching women's well-being administrations, including progressed IVF medicines and customized pre-birth care. With a group of talented gynecologists and richly trained professionals, Pahlajanis' Women's Hospital offers master support allthrough each phase of pregnancy, guaranteeing the most significant level of care for both moms and their babies.
    Read more: https://bit.ly/4bXhu8m
    Understanding Your Gynecologist's Role in Pregnancy In an article, pregnancy is best described as a special and testing adventure for a woman. It includes numerous parts of ladies' well-being that need cautious administration. Your gynecologist assumes an essential part in this journey. What is Obstetrics and Gynecology? Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB-GYN) is a clinical speciality focused on girls's fitness. Gynecology covers all factors of reproductive health. Obstetrics especially deals with pregnancy and childbirth. Functions that a Gynecologist Embarks During Pregnancy • Prenatal Care: Apart from the gynecologist, you will also provide prenatal care with the following likely to be involved. This involves, going to the hospital to visit the doctor to confirm your health as well as that of the baby. • Fertility Treatment: For people who have encountered trouble considering, a gynecologist can go about as a ripeness subject matter expert. They offer different richness medicines and backing to assist you with accomplishing pregnancy. They will work intimately with you to address any fertility issues you may have. • Sexual Health: Pregnancy is a level in a woman’s sexual reproductive cycle that incorporates several influences on sexual fitness. Since a gynecologist deals with the functions of the girl's reproductive system, he or she will be able to advise you on a way to have a wholesome sex existence as you are expectant. They can explain and reassure it to avoid unsightly conditions ultimately. • Monitoring Conceptive Well-being: All through your pregnancy, your gynecologist screens your, generally speaking, reproductive well-being. They guarantee that your conceptive organs are healthy and working accurately. This incorporates regular screenings and tests to early catch any issues. Pahlajanis' Women's Hospital Pahlajanis' Women's Hospital and IVF Center is committed to giving excellent gynecological and obstetric consideration. Situated in Raipur, Chhattisgarh, this best-in-class office has practical experience in far-reaching women's well-being administrations, including progressed IVF medicines and customized pre-birth care. With a group of talented gynecologists and richly trained professionals, Pahlajanis' Women's Hospital offers master support allthrough each phase of pregnancy, guaranteeing the most significant level of care for both moms and their babies. Read more: https://bit.ly/4bXhu8m
    The Best Gynecologist In Raipur Chhattisgarh
    Find the best gynecologist in Raipur at our top-rated hospital. Comprehensive care for women's health, advanced treatments, and personalized services.
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  • Connected Workplace has A Lot to do with the Increasing Demand for Networking Equipment in the APAC

    The APAC networking equipment market will have significant growth in the years to come. This is because of the factors like increasing bandwidth requirements and mounting data traffic. Additionally, rising incidents of cyber-attacks are also pushing the demand for networking equipment where organizations are obligated to accept networking security solutions so as to alleviate risks ascending from this kind of attack.

    The industry is considered into routers, security devices, switches, modems, cables, storage devices, access points, repeaters, bridges, NIC, and others including amplifiers, antennas, and hubs. Of these, routers had the maximum demand in the past. Furthermore, momentous demand for high-speed data transmission from clients has permitted large enterprises to improve network competence at reduced working costs, which will improve the growth prospects for routers in the future.

    Repeaters with speeds above 300 Mbps will have the largest share in the years to come. Furthermore, the demand for these will exhibit the fastest growth in the near future. This is a result of the requirement of incessant availability of robust network and internet connectivity in administrations in addition to consumers.

    An unmanaged switch will hold a larger revenue share in the near future. Though, managed switches will register faster growth in the coming years. This is a result of the fact that managed switches bid better control as compared to the data access authorization, and has the aptitude to arrange, accomplish, and monitor the LAN. The initial funding is in managed switches as opposed to unmanaged switches, but large enterprises prefer managed switches because of their improved quality of security and service.

    The growing hospitality sector is posing a prospect for the APAC networking equipment market. Japan and India are posting healthy development in hospitality sector. Currently, Wi-Fi in hotels is not a luxury facility anymore. As Wi-Fi connection is a vital part of contemporary lifestyle, many guests are seeing the attendance of Wi-Fi facility as a part of their policymaking process whilst confirming reservations. Consequently, increasing the hospitality sector would surge the requirement for networking equipment.

    Growing acceptance of category 6 cable is one of the main trends in the industry. Before, category 5 and improved category 5e UTP cables had been favored for data applications. Though, new applications necessitate cables with high performance that can deliver superior bandwidth and a high rate of data transfer. Particularly, there was a necessity to decrease both signal attenuation and alien crosstalk amid cable pairs to accommodate the obligation of cutting-edge applications like gigabit ethernet, where four cable pairs are used to communicate data instantaneously. The category 6 cable comes to terms with these necessities with a larger copper conductor to decrease signal reduction between receiver and transmitter.

    Because of the increasing demand for a connected workplace, increasing penetration of BYOD, the evolution of the OTT industry, and increasing cybersecurity spending, the demand for networking equipment is on the rise in the APAC region.

    Read More: https://www.psmarketresearch.com/market-analysis/apac-networking-equipment-market
    Connected Workplace has A Lot to do with the Increasing Demand for Networking Equipment in the APAC The APAC networking equipment market will have significant growth in the years to come. This is because of the factors like increasing bandwidth requirements and mounting data traffic. Additionally, rising incidents of cyber-attacks are also pushing the demand for networking equipment where organizations are obligated to accept networking security solutions so as to alleviate risks ascending from this kind of attack. The industry is considered into routers, security devices, switches, modems, cables, storage devices, access points, repeaters, bridges, NIC, and others including amplifiers, antennas, and hubs. Of these, routers had the maximum demand in the past. Furthermore, momentous demand for high-speed data transmission from clients has permitted large enterprises to improve network competence at reduced working costs, which will improve the growth prospects for routers in the future. Repeaters with speeds above 300 Mbps will have the largest share in the years to come. Furthermore, the demand for these will exhibit the fastest growth in the near future. This is a result of the requirement of incessant availability of robust network and internet connectivity in administrations in addition to consumers. An unmanaged switch will hold a larger revenue share in the near future. Though, managed switches will register faster growth in the coming years. This is a result of the fact that managed switches bid better control as compared to the data access authorization, and has the aptitude to arrange, accomplish, and monitor the LAN. The initial funding is in managed switches as opposed to unmanaged switches, but large enterprises prefer managed switches because of their improved quality of security and service. The growing hospitality sector is posing a prospect for the APAC networking equipment market. Japan and India are posting healthy development in hospitality sector. Currently, Wi-Fi in hotels is not a luxury facility anymore. As Wi-Fi connection is a vital part of contemporary lifestyle, many guests are seeing the attendance of Wi-Fi facility as a part of their policymaking process whilst confirming reservations. Consequently, increasing the hospitality sector would surge the requirement for networking equipment. Growing acceptance of category 6 cable is one of the main trends in the industry. Before, category 5 and improved category 5e UTP cables had been favored for data applications. Though, new applications necessitate cables with high performance that can deliver superior bandwidth and a high rate of data transfer. Particularly, there was a necessity to decrease both signal attenuation and alien crosstalk amid cable pairs to accommodate the obligation of cutting-edge applications like gigabit ethernet, where four cable pairs are used to communicate data instantaneously. The category 6 cable comes to terms with these necessities with a larger copper conductor to decrease signal reduction between receiver and transmitter. Because of the increasing demand for a connected workplace, increasing penetration of BYOD, the evolution of the OTT industry, and increasing cybersecurity spending, the demand for networking equipment is on the rise in the APAC region. Read More: https://www.psmarketresearch.com/market-analysis/apac-networking-equipment-market
    Asia-Pacific (APAC) Networking Equipment Market | Forecast Report, 2019-2024
    The APAC networking equipment market valued at $22,875.2 million in 2018, and is expected to advance at a CAGR of 11.3% during the forecast period 2019–2024.
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  • APAC Is Dominating Self-Service Technology Market

    The size of the self-service technology market was above $33 billion in 2021, and it will reach about $78 billion by 2030, at a rate of about 10% in the years to come. The growth is largely credited to the increase in demand for self-service machines, automated devices, remote administration solutions, and wireless connectivity.

    ATMs had the largest share, of over 50%, in the past, and it will grow at a considerable rate in the coming years. The increasing requirement for cash regardless of digital transactions is driving the expansion of ATM placements all around the globe.

    Vending machines will grow at a considerable growth rate in the years to come. This is credited to the increasing requirement for vending machines in business premises and corporate offices, because of the increasing want to cut extra expenses, lines and spaces.

    The retail category dominated the self-service technology market of over 34%, in the past, and it will continue this way in the years to come. Retailers are encouraged to use this technology, because of the increasing need to deliver better services and an improved consumer experience.

    The use of this technology in retail outlets is additionally driven by the increasing count of shoppers and the requirement to give a hassle-free experience through the checkout procedure.

    APAC led the industry in the past, with a share of over 35% in the past, because of the increasing acceptance of self-service systems in emerging nations of the region.

    Furthermore, the growing positioning of ATMs, self-service booths, and vending machines in the region, the rising awareness pertaining to the technology amongst people, and the increasing consumer expenditure toward this technology will drive the demand of the product.

    North America had the second-largest share in the recent past. The expansion of the industry is driven by the increasing expenditure on intelligent and self-assisted technologies by the banking, retail, travel & transportation and hospitality sectors.

    Self-checkout systems deliver numerous advantages, such as enhanced in-store efficiency, lower personnel costs, and added accuracy. These systems likewise help to attend customers further quickly, manage large lines, and cut-down wait times. Hence, the major players in the market are developing more compact systems than conventional checkout terminals, allowing companies to syndicate added checkout stations in a lesser space.

    Though, the inclination toward digitized payments, gaining traction in Italy, India and the U.A.E., is leading to a waning in the use of self-checkout systems still relying on cash. Cashless payments are promoted by governments as a way to track tax evaders and keep a record of the transactions.

    With the growth in the consumption of products bought from retail stores, increasing leaning of the people toward retail purchasing in the emerging economies are the major factors responsible for the increasing demand for self-service technologies around the world.

    Read More: https://www.psmarketresearch.com/market-analysis/self-service-technology-market
    APAC Is Dominating Self-Service Technology Market The size of the self-service technology market was above $33 billion in 2021, and it will reach about $78 billion by 2030, at a rate of about 10% in the years to come. The growth is largely credited to the increase in demand for self-service machines, automated devices, remote administration solutions, and wireless connectivity. ATMs had the largest share, of over 50%, in the past, and it will grow at a considerable rate in the coming years. The increasing requirement for cash regardless of digital transactions is driving the expansion of ATM placements all around the globe. Vending machines will grow at a considerable growth rate in the years to come. This is credited to the increasing requirement for vending machines in business premises and corporate offices, because of the increasing want to cut extra expenses, lines and spaces. The retail category dominated the self-service technology market of over 34%, in the past, and it will continue this way in the years to come. Retailers are encouraged to use this technology, because of the increasing need to deliver better services and an improved consumer experience. The use of this technology in retail outlets is additionally driven by the increasing count of shoppers and the requirement to give a hassle-free experience through the checkout procedure. APAC led the industry in the past, with a share of over 35% in the past, because of the increasing acceptance of self-service systems in emerging nations of the region. Furthermore, the growing positioning of ATMs, self-service booths, and vending machines in the region, the rising awareness pertaining to the technology amongst people, and the increasing consumer expenditure toward this technology will drive the demand of the product. North America had the second-largest share in the recent past. The expansion of the industry is driven by the increasing expenditure on intelligent and self-assisted technologies by the banking, retail, travel & transportation and hospitality sectors. Self-checkout systems deliver numerous advantages, such as enhanced in-store efficiency, lower personnel costs, and added accuracy. These systems likewise help to attend customers further quickly, manage large lines, and cut-down wait times. Hence, the major players in the market are developing more compact systems than conventional checkout terminals, allowing companies to syndicate added checkout stations in a lesser space. Though, the inclination toward digitized payments, gaining traction in Italy, India and the U.A.E., is leading to a waning in the use of self-checkout systems still relying on cash. Cashless payments are promoted by governments as a way to track tax evaders and keep a record of the transactions. With the growth in the consumption of products bought from retail stores, increasing leaning of the people toward retail purchasing in the emerging economies are the major factors responsible for the increasing demand for self-service technologies around the world. Read More: https://www.psmarketresearch.com/market-analysis/self-service-technology-market
    Self-Service Technology Market Growth Insights, 2022-2030
    The global self-service technology market size was valued at $33.10 billion in 2021 and The ATMs category accounted for the largest market share, of more than 50%, in 2021.
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  • Europe Water Pump Market Share, Growing Demand, and Top Key Players

    The rising urbanization rate, surging consumer expenditure, and depleting groundwater levels are expected to drive the European water pump market at a CAGR of 1.8% during 2020–2030. The market revenue is projected to grow from $707.2 million in 2020 to $848.3 million by 2030. The groundwater level of Europe is declining rapidly, due to the rising temperature, on account of global warming. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) states that the 2019–2020 winter in the region was warmest hitherto, owing to which there was little snow and spring was drier and warmer than normal.

    The water pump demand in Europe is primarily driven by the accelerating urbanization rate in the region. According to the World Bank, the urban population of the European Union (EU) nations surged from 334,222,735 in 2019 to 335,651,231 in 2020. As per the organization, nearly 0.427% of the EU population resided in urban areas in 2020. With the booming urban population, governments of EU countries are focusing on improving the existing utility water and drinking water infrastructure.

    Browse detailed report -https://www.psmarketresearch.com/market-analysis/europe-water-pump-market

    According to P&S Intelligence, Germany accounted for the largest share in the European water pump market in 2020. This was due to the presence of stringent wastewater treatment laws, which need to be adhered to, even by the domestic treatment facilities in the country. Moreover, the increasing need to lower the energy consumption of pumps in water and wastewater treatment plants is expected to drive the demand for energy-efficient water pumps in the country.

    Therefore, the accelerating urbanization rate and lowering groundwater levels will augment the demand for water pumps in Europe.
    Europe Water Pump Market Share, Growing Demand, and Top Key Players The rising urbanization rate, surging consumer expenditure, and depleting groundwater levels are expected to drive the European water pump market at a CAGR of 1.8% during 2020–2030. The market revenue is projected to grow from $707.2 million in 2020 to $848.3 million by 2030. The groundwater level of Europe is declining rapidly, due to the rising temperature, on account of global warming. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) states that the 2019–2020 winter in the region was warmest hitherto, owing to which there was little snow and spring was drier and warmer than normal. The water pump demand in Europe is primarily driven by the accelerating urbanization rate in the region. According to the World Bank, the urban population of the European Union (EU) nations surged from 334,222,735 in 2019 to 335,651,231 in 2020. As per the organization, nearly 0.427% of the EU population resided in urban areas in 2020. With the booming urban population, governments of EU countries are focusing on improving the existing utility water and drinking water infrastructure. Browse detailed report -https://www.psmarketresearch.com/market-analysis/europe-water-pump-market According to P&S Intelligence, Germany accounted for the largest share in the European water pump market in 2020. This was due to the presence of stringent wastewater treatment laws, which need to be adhered to, even by the domestic treatment facilities in the country. Moreover, the increasing need to lower the energy consumption of pumps in water and wastewater treatment plants is expected to drive the demand for energy-efficient water pumps in the country. Therefore, the accelerating urbanization rate and lowering groundwater levels will augment the demand for water pumps in Europe.
    Europe Water Pump Market Size | Growth and Forecast, 2030
    The European water pump market generated the revenue of $707.2 million in 2020, and is set to progress at a CAGR of 1.8% during 2020–2030. One of the major factors driving the growth of Europe water pump industry is the increasing level of urbanization.
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