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  • RELX悅刻啓動“零碳之旅”
    RELX電子煙(霧芯科技)宣布啓動“零碳之旅· Aim for Zero”計劃:憑借8大減碳舉措,將在2033年實現直接運營碳中和、2050年實現全價值鏈碳中和。https://www.relxpodstaiwan.com/







    RELX悅刻啓動“零碳之旅” RELX電子煙(霧芯科技)宣布啓動“零碳之旅· Aim for Zero”計劃:憑借8大減碳舉措,將在2033年實現直接運營碳中和、2050年實現全價值鏈碳中和。https://www.relxpodstaiwan.com/ 8大減碳舉措中,悅刻結合自身碳排放特點和行業發展趨勢,不僅提出零碳産品、零碳工廠、綠色門店等規劃,也計劃建立綠色供應鏈夥伴機制、消除不必要的一次性塑料包裝、減少廢棄物、倡導員工踐行低碳辦公等,涵蓋各個環節,全價值鏈布局推進碳中和目標的實現。 RELX悅刻近年來持續投入減碳努力,並已取得一定成果。目前,悅刻已實現2021年北京、上海、深圳三地辦公室、實驗室的運營碳中和。據德國萊茵TUV認證,悅刻通過向碳彙交易平台購買相關風電項目所産生的碳彙減排量,實現三地辦公室、實驗室碳抵消。 此外,Relx悅刻電子菸還啓動了空彈回收計劃、成立了公司可持續發展委員會,多舉措推動環境可持續發展。 8大減碳舉措,全價值鏈布局碳中和 一款Relx官網産品的碳足迹,覆蓋産品設計制造、流通、銷售以及産品使用等衆多環節。爲了將低碳理念融入産品的全生命周期,在生産端,悅刻實施廢棄物管理計劃,逐步減少辦公廢棄物、生産廢棄物和實驗室廢棄物,並計劃以2021年爲基准年,到2033年將廢棄物的填埋比例降低30%。 同時,悅刻將通過管理和技術創新,有針對性地采用提效減排、使用可再生能源以及碳抵消等途徑,在2033年實現至少1家自有工廠的淨零排放、打造零碳工廠樣板,並計劃建立綠色供應鏈夥伴機制,鼓勵供應鏈合作夥伴提高可再生能源比例、制定分階段減排目標。在物流和包裝采購方面,悅刻也會優先選擇能提供低碳運輸服務和綠色包裝的合作夥伴。https://www.relxpodstaiwan.com/
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  • Meat Substitutes Market Share, Size, Future Demand, and Emerging Trends

    The surging investments in plant-based protein sources drive the meat substitutes market, attributed to increasing concerns over food security and sustainability. Moreover, the pandemic has resulted in growing concerns regarding meat product consumption. Therefore, it is expected that plant-based protein adoption will grow and resulting in meat substitutes industry propulsion. In addition, the COVID-19-led lockdown has massively affected the meat-based products’ supply chain, resulting in decreased availability of fresh meat. It has fetched the customers’ attention toward meat substitutes, resulting in increased sales of the products.

    Under the source segment, soy-based products are predicted to capture the significant meat substitutes market share in the near future, ascribed to the higher absorption of rich flavors from other food products, and its usage in various recipes, resulting in its increased preference as a meat alternative. Moreover, soy-based products are also rich in protein sources, including their resemblance to the color and texture of meat products.

    Browse detailed - https://www.psmarketresearch.com/market-analysis/meat-substitutes-market

    The rising concerns over food security drive the meat substitutes market. The reliable access to a sufficient quantity of nutritious and affordable food is known as food security. Moreover, food security can be damaged, if there is the absence of a shift in food habits from red meat to a plant-based food diet, that includes fruits, legumes, and vegetables and animal-based protein sources such as pigs, chicken, eggs, and milk products that simulate fewer greenhouse gases than the red meat. According to the U.N. report, the world population is expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, and hence it will bolster the demand for meat production making it unsustainable.

    The top meat substitute companies are Unilever NV, Hilton Food Group plc, Wilmar International Limited, Kerry Group Plc, and Impossible Foods Inc. The key players of the market are focusing on the new product launches developed as per regional preferences. For Instance, various new products were launched by DuPont in July 2020, under the brand name Danisco Planit, it included cultures, probiotics, antioxidants, fibers, emulsifiers, natural extracts, hydrocolloids, and enzymes.

    Therefore, the growing veganism and rising awareness of food security drive the market.

    Meat Substitutes Market Share, Size, Future Demand, and Emerging Trends The surging investments in plant-based protein sources drive the meat substitutes market, attributed to increasing concerns over food security and sustainability. Moreover, the pandemic has resulted in growing concerns regarding meat product consumption. Therefore, it is expected that plant-based protein adoption will grow and resulting in meat substitutes industry propulsion. In addition, the COVID-19-led lockdown has massively affected the meat-based products’ supply chain, resulting in decreased availability of fresh meat. It has fetched the customers’ attention toward meat substitutes, resulting in increased sales of the products. Under the source segment, soy-based products are predicted to capture the significant meat substitutes market share in the near future, ascribed to the higher absorption of rich flavors from other food products, and its usage in various recipes, resulting in its increased preference as a meat alternative. Moreover, soy-based products are also rich in protein sources, including their resemblance to the color and texture of meat products. Browse detailed - https://www.psmarketresearch.com/market-analysis/meat-substitutes-market The rising concerns over food security drive the meat substitutes market. The reliable access to a sufficient quantity of nutritious and affordable food is known as food security. Moreover, food security can be damaged, if there is the absence of a shift in food habits from red meat to a plant-based food diet, that includes fruits, legumes, and vegetables and animal-based protein sources such as pigs, chicken, eggs, and milk products that simulate fewer greenhouse gases than the red meat. According to the U.N. report, the world population is expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, and hence it will bolster the demand for meat production making it unsustainable. The top meat substitute companies are Unilever NV, Hilton Food Group plc, Wilmar International Limited, Kerry Group Plc, and Impossible Foods Inc. The key players of the market are focusing on the new product launches developed as per regional preferences. For Instance, various new products were launched by DuPont in July 2020, under the brand name Danisco Planit, it included cultures, probiotics, antioxidants, fibers, emulsifiers, natural extracts, hydrocolloids, and enzymes. Therefore, the growing veganism and rising awareness of food security drive the market.
    Meat Substitutes Market | Industry Forecast till 2030
    The global meat substitutes market valued around $2 billion in 2020 and is expected to witness rapid growth in the coming years. The rising concerns regarding food security and sustainability are the key driving factors for the meat substitutes industry.
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