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  • Marshall 隨身便攜式藍牙音箱比較
    作為其當前產品線的一部分,Marshall 擁有三種超便攜式揚聲器可供選擇:Marshall Emberton III 和 Marshall Willen II(均於 2024 年發布)以及稍大的 Marshall Middleton(於 2023 年發布)。

    他們還提供一系列更大的便攜式選擇,配備整潔的絲絨襯裡提手 - Marshall Stockwell II、Marshall Kilburn II 和 Marshall Tufton。



    Emberton III Middleton Stockwell II Kilburn II Tufton
    價格(建議零售價) £99.00 149.99 英鎊 £269.00 £169.99 £269.00 £349.00
    尺寸(毫米) 100.5×100.5×43.4毫米 160×68×76.9毫米 109×230×95毫米 161×180×70毫米 243×162×140毫米 229×350×163毫米
    多向聲音 ✖ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 3路
    電池壽命 17小時以上 32小時以上 20+小時 20+小時 20+小時 20+小時
    藍牙標準 BT 5.3 LE BT 5.3 LE 英國電信5.1 BT 5.0 BT 5.0 BT 5.0
    防護等級 IP67級 IP67級 IP67級 IPX4 IPX2 IPX2
    堆疊模式/Auracast ✓(Auracast) ✓(Auracast) ✓(堆疊模式) ✖ ✖ ✖
    線路輸入 ✖ ✖ 3.5 mm插孔 3.5 mm插孔 3.5 mm插孔 3.5 mm插孔

    超長電池壽命:超過 15 小時。
    快速充電:20 分鐘充電可使用數小時。
    未來藍牙技術:範圍可達 100 英尺以上。
    多使用者控制:最多 2 台裝置,讓您和朋友可以隨時分享音樂控制。
    耐候性:Willen、Emberton 和 Middleton 型號為 IP67。
    由於它僅支援藍牙,因此透過裝置播放的任何呼叫、通知或任何其他音訊都將透過 Marshall 揚聲器輸出。我們希望看到像 AirPlay 2 這樣的東西作為替代方案。


    Marshall 便攜式藍牙揚聲器的設計主要注重音質和外觀。無論您身在何處,它們都是純粹的“聆聽和享受”揚聲器,利用簡單的藍牙技術。雖然我們喜歡這些好處,但我們發現以下一些可以改進的地方。

    總體而言,Marshall 的便攜式藍牙音箱以其卓越的音質和設計而聞名,是音樂愛好者的理想選擇。

    Marshall 隨身便攜式藍牙音箱比較 作為其當前產品線的一部分,Marshall 擁有三種超便攜式揚聲器可供選擇:Marshall Emberton III 和 Marshall Willen II(均於 2024 年發布)以及稍大的 Marshall Middleton(於 2023 年發布)。 他們還提供一系列更大的便攜式選擇,配備整潔的絲絨襯裡提手 - Marshall Stockwell II、Marshall Kilburn II 和 Marshall Tufton。 產品比較 Willen Emberton III Middleton Stockwell II Kilburn II Tufton 價格(建議零售價) £99.00 149.99 英鎊 £269.00 £169.99 £269.00 £349.00 尺寸(毫米) 100.5×100.5×43.4毫米 160×68×76.9毫米 109×230×95毫米 161×180×70毫米 243×162×140毫米 229×350×163毫米 多向聲音 ✖ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 3路 電池壽命 17小時以上 32小時以上 20+小時 20+小時 20+小時 20+小時 藍牙標準 BT 5.3 LE BT 5.3 LE 英國電信5.1 BT 5.0 BT 5.0 BT 5.0 防護等級 IP67級 IP67級 IP67級 IPX4 IPX2 IPX2 堆疊模式/Auracast ✓(Auracast) ✓(Auracast) ✓(堆疊模式) ✖ ✖ ✖ 線路輸入 ✖ ✖ 3.5 mm插孔 3.5 mm插孔 3.5 mm插孔 3.5 mm插孔 優點 超長電池壽命:超過 15 小時。 快速充電:20 分鐘充電可使用數小時。 未來藍牙技術:範圍可達 100 英尺以上。 多向真實立體聲:後部低音驅動器可在各個角度欣賞聲音。 多使用者控制:最多 2 台裝置,讓您和朋友可以隨時分享音樂控制。 耐候性:Willen、Emberton 和 Middleton 型號為 IP67。 缺點 使用類比旋鈕變更音量時,不會反映在藍牙裝置中。 由於它僅支援藍牙,因此透過裝置播放的任何呼叫、通知或任何其他音訊都將透過 Marshall 揚聲器輸出。我們希望看到像 AirPlay 2 這樣的東西作為替代方案。 總結 Marshall 便攜式藍牙揚聲器的設計主要注重音質和外觀。無論您身在何處,它們都是純粹的“聆聽和享受”揚聲器,利用簡單的藍牙技術。雖然我們喜歡這些好處,但我們發現以下一些可以改進的地方。 總體而言,Marshall 的便攜式藍牙音箱以其卓越的音質和設計而聞名,是音樂愛好者的理想選擇。
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  • RELX悅刻啓動“零碳之旅”
    RELX電子煙(霧芯科技)宣布啓動“零碳之旅· Aim for Zero”計劃:憑借8大減碳舉措,將在2033年實現直接運營碳中和、2050年實現全價值鏈碳中和。







    RELX悅刻啓動“零碳之旅” RELX電子煙(霧芯科技)宣布啓動“零碳之旅· Aim for Zero”計劃:憑借8大減碳舉措,將在2033年實現直接運營碳中和、2050年實現全價值鏈碳中和。 8大減碳舉措中,悅刻結合自身碳排放特點和行業發展趨勢,不僅提出零碳産品、零碳工廠、綠色門店等規劃,也計劃建立綠色供應鏈夥伴機制、消除不必要的一次性塑料包裝、減少廢棄物、倡導員工踐行低碳辦公等,涵蓋各個環節,全價值鏈布局推進碳中和目標的實現。 RELX悅刻近年來持續投入減碳努力,並已取得一定成果。目前,悅刻已實現2021年北京、上海、深圳三地辦公室、實驗室的運營碳中和。據德國萊茵TUV認證,悅刻通過向碳彙交易平台購買相關風電項目所産生的碳彙減排量,實現三地辦公室、實驗室碳抵消。 此外,Relx悅刻電子菸還啓動了空彈回收計劃、成立了公司可持續發展委員會,多舉措推動環境可持續發展。 8大減碳舉措,全價值鏈布局碳中和 一款Relx官網産品的碳足迹,覆蓋産品設計制造、流通、銷售以及産品使用等衆多環節。爲了將低碳理念融入産品的全生命周期,在生産端,悅刻實施廢棄物管理計劃,逐步減少辦公廢棄物、生産廢棄物和實驗室廢棄物,並計劃以2021年爲基准年,到2033年將廢棄物的填埋比例降低30%。 同時,悅刻將通過管理和技術創新,有針對性地采用提效減排、使用可再生能源以及碳抵消等途徑,在2033年實現至少1家自有工廠的淨零排放、打造零碳工廠樣板,並計劃建立綠色供應鏈夥伴機制,鼓勵供應鏈合作夥伴提高可再生能源比例、制定分階段減排目標。在物流和包裝采購方面,悅刻也會優先選擇能提供低碳運輸服務和綠色包裝的合作夥伴。
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  • Iqos煙彈現貨推薦


    推薦1:IQOS ZERO煙彈


    推薦2:哈薩克版 KAZAKHSTAN HEETS 煙彈

    Heets 煙彈 擁有多種美味,無論您正在尋找甜味或鹹味食品,從香草和巧克力等經典美食到無花果和開心果等更具異國情調的選擇,我們都能滿足您的需求。無論是追求經典煙草的醇厚,還是水果風味的清新,哈薩克版IQOS HEETS煙彈都能滿足您的口味需求。

    推薦3:日本版 TEREA煙彈

    日本版 TEREA 煙彈提供多種獨特口味,每一種口味都獨具特色,滿足不同用戶的需求。每包20支IQOS 菸彈,適合追求高品質吸煙體驗的用戶。


    口感:許多用戶認為IQOS 煙彈的口感接近傳統香煙,但更乾淨,沒有煙灰和煙霧。


    環境友好:用戶普遍認為IQOS 煙 彈更環保,因為它們不會產生煙蒂和煙霧。








    IQOS 加熱煙機選擇攻略2024最熱門ILUMA主機推薦
    Iqos煙彈現貨推薦 IQOS煙彈是用於IQOS設備的加熱不燃燒煙草產品,含有尼古丁,口感溫和,產生的煙霧較少有害物質,氣味輕微,使用方便。體驗因人而異,建議根據個人需求和健康考量做出選擇。 Iqos煙彈現貨推薦 推薦1:IQOS ZERO煙彈 徠米ZERO菸彈採用天然植物萃取取代常規煙油香料調味料,堅持「真草本‧能順喉」的概念。打造了高品質全品類的新型草本霧化產品,為使用者帶來更好的體驗,IQOS電子煙在市場中很受歡迎。比起霧化產品,固態電子煙才是徠米的老本行。 推薦2:哈薩克版 KAZAKHSTAN HEETS 煙彈 Heets 煙彈 擁有多種美味,無論您正在尋找甜味或鹹味食品,從香草和巧克力等經典美食到無花果和開心果等更具異國情調的選擇,我們都能滿足您的需求。無論是追求經典煙草的醇厚,還是水果風味的清新,哈薩克版IQOS HEETS煙彈都能滿足您的口味需求。 推薦3:日本版 TEREA煙彈 日本版 TEREA 煙彈提供多種獨特口味,每一種口味都獨具特色,滿足不同用戶的需求。每包20支IQOS 菸彈,適合追求高品質吸煙體驗的用戶。 用戶反饋: 口感:許多用戶認為IQOS 煙彈的口感接近傳統香煙,但更乾淨,沒有煙灰和煙霧。 滿足感:使用IQOS菸彈可以滿足他們對尼古丁的需求,同時減少了傳統香煙的不良影響。 環境友好:用戶普遍認為IQOS 煙 彈更環保,因為它們不會產生煙蒂和煙霧。 價格:IQOS煙彈的價格相對較高,是一個考慮因素。 健康考量:雖然IQOS煙彈比傳統香煙更健康,但它們仍然含有尼古丁,因此並非完全無害。 IQOS台灣非常受歡迎。如果您感興趣,可以訪問IQOS台灣官網獲取更多信息。IQOS煙彈現貨充足,確保您隨時享受優質的煙草體驗。無論是初次嘗試還是長期使用,IQOS都是更健康、更便捷的選擇。 延伸閱讀 IQOS台灣合法嗎? IQOS電子煙基礎知識 IQOS好處有哪些?選擇IQOS10個理由 IQOS 加熱煙機選擇攻略2024最熱門ILUMA主機推薦
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  • The largest family films festival «Within the Family» took place in Yaroslavl

    The world's largest festival of family cinema “Within the Family” gathered more than 10 000 viewers and turned Yaroslavl into the family film capital of the world. The festival was held with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Yaroslavl Region, the Mayor's Office of Yaroslavl, Rostec State Corporation and personally Sergey Chemezov, the Director General of Rostec State Corporation, co-chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Nationwide Program Within the Family.

    This year, the geography of the film competitions expanded to all five continents, and viewers watched 76 short and feature films from 39 countries, including Russia, Turkey, South Korea, USA, Peru, Colombia, Italy, Spain, Venezuela, China, Iraq, Iran, India, Indonesia, Taiwan, Tunisia, and even Australia. Funny and philosophical, ironic and sad, comedies and dramas - all of them were about family, about how modern parents, children and families live in different countries.

    The festival results were announced, and the international jury presented the nominees.

    In 2024, the festival participants and guests received a telegram from the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, which was published on the Kremlin's website and read out at the Opening Ceremony. The President expressed confidence that the festival would be successful, attract increased attention from professionals and the general public, and be remembered for its interesting premieres and warm atmosphere.

    The festival events were also broadcast on the Russian social network "Odnoklassniki" with over 2.5 million views.

    The guests and viewers were greeted by Fedor Dobronravov, Nonna Grishaeva, Alexander Samoylenko, Denis Nikiforov, Vladimir Sychyov, Irina Medvedeva, Arthur Sopelnik, Alexey Demidov, large families, and bloggers. The festival's opening film, the Chinese dramedy "The Art Class" was shown at the opening ceremony, with producers Ting Wang, Pan Liu, and Lu Wang in attendance.

    News source:
    The largest family films festival «Within the Family» took place in Yaroslavl The world's largest festival of family cinema “Within the Family” gathered more than 10 000 viewers and turned Yaroslavl into the family film capital of the world. The festival was held with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Yaroslavl Region, the Mayor's Office of Yaroslavl, Rostec State Corporation and personally Sergey Chemezov, the Director General of Rostec State Corporation, co-chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Nationwide Program Within the Family. This year, the geography of the film competitions expanded to all five continents, and viewers watched 76 short and feature films from 39 countries, including Russia, Turkey, South Korea, USA, Peru, Colombia, Italy, Spain, Venezuela, China, Iraq, Iran, India, Indonesia, Taiwan, Tunisia, and even Australia. Funny and philosophical, ironic and sad, comedies and dramas - all of them were about family, about how modern parents, children and families live in different countries. The festival results were announced, and the international jury presented the nominees. In 2024, the festival participants and guests received a telegram from the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, which was published on the Kremlin's website and read out at the Opening Ceremony. The President expressed confidence that the festival would be successful, attract increased attention from professionals and the general public, and be remembered for its interesting premieres and warm atmosphere. The festival events were also broadcast on the Russian social network "Odnoklassniki" with over 2.5 million views. The guests and viewers were greeted by Fedor Dobronravov, Nonna Grishaeva, Alexander Samoylenko, Denis Nikiforov, Vladimir Sychyov, Irina Medvedeva, Arthur Sopelnik, Alexey Demidov, large families, and bloggers. The festival's opening film, the Chinese dramedy "The Art Class" was shown at the opening ceremony, with producers Ting Wang, Pan Liu, and Lu Wang in attendance. News source:
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  • The global energy efficient glass market size was valued at USD 32,585.0 million in 2023 and is poised to grow at a significant CAGR of 5.2% during the forecast period 2024-30. It also includes market size and projection estimations for each of the five major regions from 2024 to 2030. The research report includes historical data, trending features, and market growth estimates for the future. Furthermore, the study includes a global and regional estimation and is further split by nations and categories within each region. The research also includes factors and barriers to the energy efficient glass market growth, as well as their impact on the market's future growth. The report gives a comprehensive overview of both primary and secondary data.

    View the detailed report description here -

    The global energy efficient glass market segmentation:
    1) By Glass Type: Toughened Glass, Annealed Glass, Others
    2) By Coating Type: Hard Coat, Soft Coat
    3) By Glazing Type: Triple Glazing, Double Glazing, Single Glazing
    4) By End User: Building & Construction, Automotive, Solar panel, Others

    The primary factors of the energy efficient glass market drivers are the increasing application in the building and construction sector. The energy efficient glass market report helps to provide the best results for business enhancement and business growth. It further helps to obtain the reactions of consumers to a novel product or service. It becomes possible for business players to take action for changing perceptions. It uncovers and identifies potential issues of the customers. It becomes easy to obtain the reactions of the customers to a novel product or service. It also enlightens further advancement, so it suits its intended market.

    The important profiles and strategies adopted by the energy efficient glass market key players are Saint-Gobain Glass India., AGC Inc., Nippon Sheet Glass Co., Ltd, SCHOTT AG, Sisecam, GUARDIAN INDUSTRIES, Vitro, Morley Glass & Glazing Ltd., KAPHS S.A., sedak GmbH & Co. KG, Metro Glass site, CSG HOLDING CO., LTD., Taiwan Glass Industry Corporation, Abrisa Technologies, Bendheim, Central Glass Co., Ltd., GSC GLASS LTD, Arnold Glas, Fuso., DuPont, Corning Incorporated, PPG Industries Inc., Raven Products Pty Ltd., and Smartglass International is covered here to help them in strengthening their place in the market.

    The global energy efficient glass market size was valued at USD 32,585.0 million in 2023 and is poised to grow at a significant CAGR of 5.2% during the forecast period 2024-30. It also includes market size and projection estimations for each of the five major regions from 2024 to 2030. The research report includes historical data, trending features, and market growth estimates for the future. Furthermore, the study includes a global and regional estimation and is further split by nations and categories within each region. The research also includes factors and barriers to the energy efficient glass market growth, as well as their impact on the market's future growth. The report gives a comprehensive overview of both primary and secondary data. View the detailed report description here - The global energy efficient glass market segmentation: 1) By Glass Type: Toughened Glass, Annealed Glass, Others 2) By Coating Type: Hard Coat, Soft Coat 3) By Glazing Type: Triple Glazing, Double Glazing, Single Glazing 4) By End User: Building & Construction, Automotive, Solar panel, Others The primary factors of the energy efficient glass market drivers are the increasing application in the building and construction sector. The energy efficient glass market report helps to provide the best results for business enhancement and business growth. It further helps to obtain the reactions of consumers to a novel product or service. It becomes possible for business players to take action for changing perceptions. It uncovers and identifies potential issues of the customers. It becomes easy to obtain the reactions of the customers to a novel product or service. It also enlightens further advancement, so it suits its intended market. The important profiles and strategies adopted by the energy efficient glass market key players are Saint-Gobain Glass India., AGC Inc., Nippon Sheet Glass Co., Ltd, SCHOTT AG, Sisecam, GUARDIAN INDUSTRIES, Vitro, Morley Glass & Glazing Ltd., KAPHS S.A., sedak GmbH & Co. KG, Metro Glass site, CSG HOLDING CO., LTD., Taiwan Glass Industry Corporation, Abrisa Technologies, Bendheim, Central Glass Co., Ltd., GSC GLASS LTD, Arnold Glas, Fuso., DuPont, Corning Incorporated, PPG Industries Inc., Raven Products Pty Ltd., and Smartglass International is covered here to help them in strengthening their place in the market.
    Energy Efficient Glass Market Price, Share, Growth Insights
    Energy Efficient Glass Market Price, Share, Growth Insights
    ·2K Views ·0 Anteprima
  • Li-ion Emergency Lights have the highest demand in APAC Emergency Lighting Market

    The APAC emergency lighting market will increase significantly increase in the years to come. Snowballing expenditure on infra, comprising of indoors and outdoors lighting, and the application of strict safety standards in commercial structures are the main factors responsible for the growth of the industry in the region.

    The APAC emergency lighting industry is classified into software, hardware, and services. Out of all these, the software will record the highest growth rate in the near future. This can be largely credited to the increasing demand for software solutions for the effectual monitoring of emergency lights.

    the APAC industry is characterized into emergency lighting solutions running on Li-ion, lead-acid, Ni-Cd, and Ni-MH batteries. The Li-ion emergency lights have the highest demand in the APAC. This is because of the initiatives by quite a few governments in the region, mainly in India, to support the making of Li-ion batteries. For example, under the Make in India, the union government wants to set up a Li-ion battery industrial base to support the acceptance of Li-ion batteries because of their better energy competence and lightweight.

    Emergency lighting solutions in APAC are extensively used for industrial, commercial, residential, and other purposes. The fastest growth will be observed in the residential application. This is because of the increasing count of smart homes in China, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. Asia’s smart home market will reach $115 billion by the year 2030, capturing about a 30% share in the world.

    In the near future, the APAC emergency lighting market will observe the fastest growth in India. This can be largely credited to the increasing real estate and snowballing construction of urban houses and smart cities in the country, which would drive the demand for emergency lighting solutions in the nation in the coming years.

    The significant trend in the APAC lighting industry is the increasing acceptance of LED lights. This can be majorly credited to the low consumption of power related to LED technology as opposed to other lighting technologies. Therefore, because of higher energy efficiency, LEDs are an economical option, particularly in the long run. Furthermore, LED emergency lights last longer and are less fragile. Also, falling prices of LED lamps have increased the demand for these lights recently.

    The main opportunity for the development of the players in the APAC industry lies in the growing acceptance of IoT-enabled emergency lights. IoT makes it easy for private and public organizations to conserve further energy with smart lighting systems. IoT permits lighting settings to acclimate to ecological conditions like rain and fog, thus enhancing energy consumption and safeguarding passable illumination according to the ambiance requirement.

    The Stringent safety guidelines levied by the governments are contributing to an increase in the demand for emergency lighting. In APAC, the governments of India and China have forced strict guidelines regarding safety in numerous establishments.

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    Li-ion Emergency Lights have the highest demand in APAC Emergency Lighting Market The APAC emergency lighting market will increase significantly increase in the years to come. Snowballing expenditure on infra, comprising of indoors and outdoors lighting, and the application of strict safety standards in commercial structures are the main factors responsible for the growth of the industry in the region. The APAC emergency lighting industry is classified into software, hardware, and services. Out of all these, the software will record the highest growth rate in the near future. This can be largely credited to the increasing demand for software solutions for the effectual monitoring of emergency lights. the APAC industry is characterized into emergency lighting solutions running on Li-ion, lead-acid, Ni-Cd, and Ni-MH batteries. The Li-ion emergency lights have the highest demand in the APAC. This is because of the initiatives by quite a few governments in the region, mainly in India, to support the making of Li-ion batteries. For example, under the Make in India, the union government wants to set up a Li-ion battery industrial base to support the acceptance of Li-ion batteries because of their better energy competence and lightweight. Emergency lighting solutions in APAC are extensively used for industrial, commercial, residential, and other purposes. The fastest growth will be observed in the residential application. This is because of the increasing count of smart homes in China, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. Asia’s smart home market will reach $115 billion by the year 2030, capturing about a 30% share in the world. In the near future, the APAC emergency lighting market will observe the fastest growth in India. This can be largely credited to the increasing real estate and snowballing construction of urban houses and smart cities in the country, which would drive the demand for emergency lighting solutions in the nation in the coming years. The significant trend in the APAC lighting industry is the increasing acceptance of LED lights. This can be majorly credited to the low consumption of power related to LED technology as opposed to other lighting technologies. Therefore, because of higher energy efficiency, LEDs are an economical option, particularly in the long run. Furthermore, LED emergency lights last longer and are less fragile. Also, falling prices of LED lamps have increased the demand for these lights recently. The main opportunity for the development of the players in the APAC industry lies in the growing acceptance of IoT-enabled emergency lights. IoT makes it easy for private and public organizations to conserve further energy with smart lighting systems. IoT permits lighting settings to acclimate to ecological conditions like rain and fog, thus enhancing energy consumption and safeguarding passable illumination according to the ambiance requirement. The Stringent safety guidelines levied by the governments are contributing to an increase in the demand for emergency lighting. In APAC, the governments of India and China have forced strict guidelines regarding safety in numerous establishments. Read More:
    Asia-Pacific Emergency Lighting Market Size | Industry Report, 2024
    The Asia-Pacific (APAC) emergency lighting market, estimated at $1.2 billion in 2018, is expected to advance at a CAGR of 10.1% during the forecast period 2019–2024.
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