• Le marché des équipements de construction lourds en Asie-Pacifique atteint environ 96,67 milliards USD, enregistrant un TCAC de 8,45% jusqu’en 2030 | MRFR Dernières nouvelles 2022

    Rapport d’étude de marché et analyse de la croissance des équipements de construction lourde en Asie-Pacifique 2022 par types (marché des équipements de terrassement-2205'205' >Équipement de terrassement, équipement de manutention, véhicules de construction lourds, autres (grues, excavatrice, bouteur)), par applications (exploitation minière et excavation, terrassement, transport, levage, manutention, autres), utilisateurs finaux (industrie pétrolière et gazière, industrie de la construction, militaire, minière, agriculture et foresterie et autres) - Prévisions jusqu’en 2030

    Le marché des équipements de construction lourds en Asie-Pacifique obtiendra un TCAC de 8,45% et une valorisation de 96,67 milliards USD d’ici 2020-2030 au cours de la période de prévision.

    L’augmentation de la construction et les énormes activités de projets dans la région Asie-Pacifique stimulent le marché. La demande croissante de machines lourdes rentables et les pressions réglementaires pour réduire les émissions accélèrent la taille du marché. De plus, pour lutter contre des problèmes majeurs tels que la demande croissante de la population, la congestion routière et le vieillissement des infrastructures de transport, les pays de l’Asie-Pacifique ont commencé à investir massivement dans le développement des infrastructures. En outre, l’augmentation du taux d’urbanisation a conduit à la construction de bâtiments. Le développement, la rénovation et la restauration d’infrastructures industrielles favorisent la demande du marché des équipements de construction lourde en Asie-Pacifique. La présence de ces facteurs et moteurs de croissance stimule le taux de vente du marché.

    Acteurs clés

    Équipement de construction Volvo
    Caterpillar Inc.
    C. Bamford Excavators Limited (JCB)
    Hitachi Construction Machinery Co. Ltd.
    Komatsu SA
    Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction
    Groupe Liebherr
    CNH Industriel
    Kobe Steel Ltd. (Kobelco)
    Atlas Copco et autres.

    Le marché des équipements de construction lourds en Asie-Pacifique atteint environ 96,67 milliards USD, enregistrant un TCAC de 8,45% jusqu’en 2030 | MRFR Dernières nouvelles 2022 Rapport d’étude de marché et analyse de la croissance des équipements de construction lourde en Asie-Pacifique 2022 par types (marché des équipements de terrassement-2205'205' >Équipement de terrassement, équipement de manutention, véhicules de construction lourds, autres (grues, excavatrice, bouteur)), par applications (exploitation minière et excavation, terrassement, transport, levage, manutention, autres), utilisateurs finaux (industrie pétrolière et gazière, industrie de la construction, militaire, minière, agriculture et foresterie et autres) - Prévisions jusqu’en 2030 Le marché des équipements de construction lourds en Asie-Pacifique obtiendra un TCAC de 8,45% et une valorisation de 96,67 milliards USD d’ici 2020-2030 au cours de la période de prévision. L’augmentation de la construction et les énormes activités de projets dans la région Asie-Pacifique stimulent le marché. La demande croissante de machines lourdes rentables et les pressions réglementaires pour réduire les émissions accélèrent la taille du marché. De plus, pour lutter contre des problèmes majeurs tels que la demande croissante de la population, la congestion routière et le vieillissement des infrastructures de transport, les pays de l’Asie-Pacifique ont commencé à investir massivement dans le développement des infrastructures. En outre, l’augmentation du taux d’urbanisation a conduit à la construction de bâtiments. Le développement, la rénovation et la restauration d’infrastructures industrielles favorisent la demande du marché des équipements de construction lourde en Asie-Pacifique. La présence de ces facteurs et moteurs de croissance stimule le taux de vente du marché. Acteurs clés Équipement de construction Volvo Caterpillar Inc. C. Bamford Excavators Limited (JCB) Hitachi Construction Machinery Co. Ltd. Komatsu SA Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction Groupe Liebherr CNH Industriel Kobe Steel Ltd. (Kobelco) Atlas Copco et autres. https://www.icrowdfr.com/2022/10/27/le-marche-des-equipements-de-construction-lourds-en-asie-pacifique-atteint-environ-9667-milliards-usd-enregistrant-un-tcac-de-845-jusquen-2030-mrfr-dernieres-nouvelles-2022/
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 201 مشاهدة 0 معاينة
  • Taille du marche des equipements de soudage, opportunite de croissance, technologie, principaux fabricants, tendances actuelles et previsions mondiales pour 2030.

    Marché des équipements de soudure Vue d\'ensemble

    Several factors, under certain conditions, are responsible for the development of the Soldering Equipment Market. Rapid industrial enterprise has been one of the major factors. Les acteurs clés qui sont responsables du fonctionnement des postes de soudure développent chaque jour de nouvelles technologies. Ils innovent en fonction de leur technologie et ont donc fourni suffisamment de marge de manœuvre pour la croissance et le développement du marché.

    Les principaux acteurs

    Ersa GmbH
    Pillarhouse International Ltd.
    RPS Automation LLC
    JBC S.L
    SEHO Systems GmbH
    ACE Production Technologies Inc.
    Blundell Production Equipment Ltd
    American Hakko Products Inc.
    JUKI Automation

    Taille du marche des equipements de soudage, opportunite de croissance, technologie, principaux fabricants, tendances actuelles et previsions mondiales pour 2030. Marché des équipements de soudure Vue d\'ensemble Several factors, under certain conditions, are responsible for the development of the Soldering Equipment Market. Rapid industrial enterprise has been one of the major factors. Les acteurs clés qui sont responsables du fonctionnement des postes de soudure développent chaque jour de nouvelles technologies. Ils innovent en fonction de leur technologie et ont donc fourni suffisamment de marge de manœuvre pour la croissance et le développement du marché. Les principaux acteurs Ersa GmbH Pillarhouse International Ltd. RPS Automation LLC FLASON ELECTRONIC CO. LIMITED JBC S.L SEHO Systems GmbH ACE Production Technologies Inc. Blundell Production Equipment Ltd American Hakko Products Inc. JUKI Automation https://www.icrowdfr.com/2022/10/20/taille-du-marche-des-equipements-de-soudage-opportunite-de-croissance-technologie-principaux-fabricants-tendances-actuelles-et-previsions-mondiales-pour-2030/
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 94 مشاهدة 0 معاينة
  • Taille du marché des purificateurs d’eau 2023, progrès technologiques, principaux acteurs, dynamique de croissance, régions, demandes, tendances futures et perspectives de l’industrie 2030

    Aperçu futur du marché des purificateurs d’eau

    Selon l’analyse MRFR, le marché mondial des purificateurs d’eau devrait enregistrer un TCAC de ~ 17,58% de 2023 à 2030 et détenir une valeur de plus de ~ 140 385,0 milliards USD d’ici 2030.

    Un purificateur d’eau est un équipement utilisé pour la purification de l’eau potable. purificateurs d’eau et filtres à l’aide de différentes technologies telles que le charbon actif, la technologie UV et l’osmose inverse. En raison d’une augmentation des contaminants, des solides dissous, des matières chimiques et d’autres matériaux, l’essentiel pour les purificateurs d’eau et les filtres a augmenté au fil des ans. Avec la propagation de COVID-19 dans le monde entier, les fabricants du marché des purificateurs d’eau prennent des mesures dangereuses sous la forme de fermetures d’usines pour freiner la propagation du COVID-19.

    Acteurs clés du marché des purificateurs d’eau

    Certains des principaux acteurs du marché sont

    KENT RO Systems Ltd.
    EcoWater Systems LLC
    Panasonic Corporation Coway Co. Ltd.

    Taille du marché des purificateurs d’eau 2023, progrès technologiques, principaux acteurs, dynamique de croissance, régions, demandes, tendances futures et perspectives de l’industrie 2030 Aperçu futur du marché des purificateurs d’eau Selon l’analyse MRFR, le marché mondial des purificateurs d’eau devrait enregistrer un TCAC de ~ 17,58% de 2023 à 2030 et détenir une valeur de plus de ~ 140 385,0 milliards USD d’ici 2030. Un purificateur d’eau est un équipement utilisé pour la purification de l’eau potable. purificateurs d’eau et filtres à l’aide de différentes technologies telles que le charbon actif, la technologie UV et l’osmose inverse. En raison d’une augmentation des contaminants, des solides dissous, des matières chimiques et d’autres matériaux, l’essentiel pour les purificateurs d’eau et les filtres a augmenté au fil des ans. Avec la propagation de COVID-19 dans le monde entier, les fabricants du marché des purificateurs d’eau prennent des mesures dangereuses sous la forme de fermetures d’usines pour freiner la propagation du COVID-19. Acteurs clés du marché des purificateurs d’eau Certains des principaux acteurs du marché sont KENT RO Systems Ltd. Forgeron Unilever EcoWater Systems LLC Panasonic Corporation Coway Co. Ltd. https://www.icrowdfr.com/2023/02/09/taille-du-marche-des-purificateurs-deau-2023-progres-technologiques-principaux-acteurs-dynamique-de-croissance-regions-demandes-tendances-futures-et-perspectives-de-lindustrie/
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 79 مشاهدة 0 معاينة

  • Analyse des opportunités sur le marché indien de la rizerie, concurrence sur le marché

    Aperçu du marchéindien de larizerie:

    Le marché de la rizerie devrait croître de 0,31 milliard d'euros en 2023, avec un taux de croissance annuel moyen de 3,51 % au cours de la période de prévision. Le marché indien de la rizerie est tiré par l'augmentation de la demande de machines de rizerie et par l'augmentation du nombre d'entreprises étrangères. Ces facteurs ont contribué à façonner le marché de la rizerie et devraient en stimuler la croissance. Les entreprises du marché de la rizerie peuvent également être confrontées à des défis tels que le manque d'installations de stockage et d'entreposage adéquates. Les analystes du marché de la rizerie ont également partagé les projections de croissance dans le rapport et ont suggéré aux acteurs du marché de la rizerie de planifier des stratégies de croissance en conséquence.

    L'Inde est l'un des plus grands producteurs et consommateurs de riz au monde, ce qui fait de l'industrie de la rizerie un élément essentiel du secteur agricole et agroalimentaire du pays. L'usinage du riz consiste à transformer le riz paddy brut en riz blanc destiné à la consommation. Le marché de l'usinage du riz en Inde est déterminé par plusieurs facteurs, notamment le paysage agricole du pays, les politiques gouvernementales et les préférences des consommateurs.

    Acteurs clés du marché indien de la rizerie

    Les principales entreprises du marché indien de la rizerie sont les suivantes

    Buhler Group
    MilTECH Machinery Private Ltd
    Satake Group
    Savco Sales Pvt. Ltd
    Fowler Westrup
    Hubei Bishan Machinery Co Ltd.

    Analyse des opportunités sur le marché indien de la rizerie, concurrence sur le marché Aperçu du marchéindien de larizerie: Le marché de la rizerie devrait croître de 0,31 milliard d'euros en 2023, avec un taux de croissance annuel moyen de 3,51 % au cours de la période de prévision. Le marché indien de la rizerie est tiré par l'augmentation de la demande de machines de rizerie et par l'augmentation du nombre d'entreprises étrangères. Ces facteurs ont contribué à façonner le marché de la rizerie et devraient en stimuler la croissance. Les entreprises du marché de la rizerie peuvent également être confrontées à des défis tels que le manque d'installations de stockage et d'entreposage adéquates. Les analystes du marché de la rizerie ont également partagé les projections de croissance dans le rapport et ont suggéré aux acteurs du marché de la rizerie de planifier des stratégies de croissance en conséquence. L'Inde est l'un des plus grands producteurs et consommateurs de riz au monde, ce qui fait de l'industrie de la rizerie un élément essentiel du secteur agricole et agroalimentaire du pays. L'usinage du riz consiste à transformer le riz paddy brut en riz blanc destiné à la consommation. Le marché de l'usinage du riz en Inde est déterminé par plusieurs facteurs, notamment le paysage agricole du pays, les politiques gouvernementales et les préférences des consommateurs. Acteurs clés du marché indien de la rizerie Les principales entreprises du marché indien de la rizerie sont les suivantes Buhler Group MilTECH Machinery Private Ltd Satake Group Savco Sales Pvt. Ltd Fowler Westrup Hubei Bishan Machinery Co Ltd. https://www.icrowdfr.com/2023/11/13/analyse-des-opportunites-sur-le-marche-indien-de-la-rizerie-concurrence-sur-le-marche/
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 411 مشاهدة 0 معاينة
  • How Is High Flexible Electronics Demand Boosting Printed Electronics Market Growth?

    Factors such as the burgeoning demand for flexible electronics and increasing organic light-emitting diode (OLED) production through inkjet printing technology will drive the printed electronics market at a CAGR of 22.4% during the forecast period (2020–2030). According to P&S Intelligence, the market was valued at $35.7 billion in 2019 and it is projected to generate $363.1 billion revenue by 2030. In recent years, the increasing shift from conventional to digital printing has become a key market trend.

    The accelerating demand for flexible electronics is a prominent growth driver for the market across the world. Integrated circuits (ICs) are deployed on flexible substrates, such as metal or plastic, of electronics to convert them into flexible electronics. The integration of ICs on flexible substrates does not impact the function of such electronics. For instance, in June 2019, E Ink Holdings Inc. collaborated with Plastic Logic HK to use organic field-effect transistor (OTFT) technology for producing flexible electronic paper displays for wearables.

    Nowadays, the surging preference for digital printing over conventional printing, primarily on account of the growing environmental concerns, has become a prominent trend in the printed electronics market. Conventional printing involves the usage of volatile organic compound (VOC)-based products, such as chromium, lead, mercury, cadmium, paint strippers, and aerosol sprays, which massively contribute to the escalating water and soil pollution levels. Whereas, digital printing is highly eco-friendly, as it includes the use of less harmful chemicals and mild solvents, as compared to the ones used in conventional printing technologies, such as solid ink printing and offset printing.

    At present, the printed electronics market is extensively competitive, due to the presence of a large number of regional and global players worldwide. The leading players in the market, such as Ynvisible Interactive Inc., E Ink Holdings Inc., Thin Film Electronics ASA, NovaCentrix Corp., Agfa-Gevaert N.V., Nissha Co. Ltd., BASF SE, Xerox Corporation, and DuPont de Nemours Inc. are currently focusing on partnerships and mergers and acquisitions to expand their geographical presence.

    The component segment of the printed electronics market is bifurcated into printer and material. Of these, the printer category generated the higher revenue in 2019, due to the mushrooming demand for inkjet and screen printers for photovoltaic (PV) and display applications in countries such as China, Germany, Brazil, the U.A.E., and the U.S. Whereas, the material category is expected to demonstrate the faster growth during the forecast period, due to the increasing use of inks and substrates in the fabrication of printed electronic circuits, which are being increasingly used in PV cells, displays, and RFID tags.

    Geographically, Asia-Pacific (APAC) accounted for the largest share in the printed electronics market in 2019, and it is also expected to witness the fastest growth throughout the forecast period. This is attributed to the burgeoning demand for robust and flexible substrates for printed electronic circuits and rising penetration of the internet of things (IoT) technology in the region. Additionally, the low manufacturing cost and continuous developments in digital printing technology will also facilitate the market growth in the region in the coming years.

    Therefore, the mounting demand for flexible electronics and rising preference for digital printing will augment the market growth in the forthcoming years.

    Read More: https://www.psmarketresearch.com/market-analysis/printed-electronics-market
    How Is High Flexible Electronics Demand Boosting Printed Electronics Market Growth? Factors such as the burgeoning demand for flexible electronics and increasing organic light-emitting diode (OLED) production through inkjet printing technology will drive the printed electronics market at a CAGR of 22.4% during the forecast period (2020–2030). According to P&S Intelligence, the market was valued at $35.7 billion in 2019 and it is projected to generate $363.1 billion revenue by 2030. In recent years, the increasing shift from conventional to digital printing has become a key market trend. The accelerating demand for flexible electronics is a prominent growth driver for the market across the world. Integrated circuits (ICs) are deployed on flexible substrates, such as metal or plastic, of electronics to convert them into flexible electronics. The integration of ICs on flexible substrates does not impact the function of such electronics. For instance, in June 2019, E Ink Holdings Inc. collaborated with Plastic Logic HK to use organic field-effect transistor (OTFT) technology for producing flexible electronic paper displays for wearables. Nowadays, the surging preference for digital printing over conventional printing, primarily on account of the growing environmental concerns, has become a prominent trend in the printed electronics market. Conventional printing involves the usage of volatile organic compound (VOC)-based products, such as chromium, lead, mercury, cadmium, paint strippers, and aerosol sprays, which massively contribute to the escalating water and soil pollution levels. Whereas, digital printing is highly eco-friendly, as it includes the use of less harmful chemicals and mild solvents, as compared to the ones used in conventional printing technologies, such as solid ink printing and offset printing. At present, the printed electronics market is extensively competitive, due to the presence of a large number of regional and global players worldwide. The leading players in the market, such as Ynvisible Interactive Inc., E Ink Holdings Inc., Thin Film Electronics ASA, NovaCentrix Corp., Agfa-Gevaert N.V., Nissha Co. Ltd., BASF SE, Xerox Corporation, and DuPont de Nemours Inc. are currently focusing on partnerships and mergers and acquisitions to expand their geographical presence. The component segment of the printed electronics market is bifurcated into printer and material. Of these, the printer category generated the higher revenue in 2019, due to the mushrooming demand for inkjet and screen printers for photovoltaic (PV) and display applications in countries such as China, Germany, Brazil, the U.A.E., and the U.S. Whereas, the material category is expected to demonstrate the faster growth during the forecast period, due to the increasing use of inks and substrates in the fabrication of printed electronic circuits, which are being increasingly used in PV cells, displays, and RFID tags. Geographically, Asia-Pacific (APAC) accounted for the largest share in the printed electronics market in 2019, and it is also expected to witness the fastest growth throughout the forecast period. This is attributed to the burgeoning demand for robust and flexible substrates for printed electronic circuits and rising penetration of the internet of things (IoT) technology in the region. Additionally, the low manufacturing cost and continuous developments in digital printing technology will also facilitate the market growth in the region in the coming years. Therefore, the mounting demand for flexible electronics and rising preference for digital printing will augment the market growth in the forthcoming years. Read More: https://www.psmarketresearch.com/market-analysis/printed-electronics-market
    Printed Electronics Market | Global Forecast Report, 2030
    Printed electronics market is forecasted to witness a CAGR of 22.4% during till 2030, according to P&S Intelligence
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 6212 مشاهدة 0 معاينة
  • How Is 5G Adoption Boosting Data Center Infrastructure Management Demand?

    Data center strategy needs to be planned in such a manner that the systems never malfunction in any circumstance. As a result, data center managers are opting for data center infrastructure management (DCIM) solutions as they offer insights and visibility by monitoring different parameters, such as the performance of data center computers and servers, network operations, and security uptime, and resolving network issues as they arise. Owing to these advantages, DCIM solutions are being increasingly adopted by organizations for improving their decision-making process and by data centers for enhancing their uptime with better energy services.

    The surging use of such solutions can be credited to the increasing deployment of 5G network, which enables smooth movement of data between locations. This novel communication technology will offer support for extensive machine-to-machine communications, with around 100,000 connections per square kilometer. 5G also plays a significant role in establishing smart cities, which generate a huge volume of data that needs to be managed efficiently. Thus, the rising penetration of the 5G network, will steer the data center infrastructure management market growth during 2021–2030. According to P&S Intelligence, the market reached $1,425.6 million revenue in 2020.

    At present, DCIM solutions offered by Panduit Corporation, Infosys Ltd., ABB Ltd., IBM Corporation, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd., Modius Inc., CommScope Inc., Nlyte Software, Delta Electronics Inc., NTT DATA Corporation, Hewlett-Packard Enterprise, Raritan Inc., and Cisco Systems Inc. are mostly used for asset management application. In recent years, information technology (IT) asset management has become very difficult due to the surging complexities of the systems. Many small organizations use paper and pen and spreadsheet-based solutions to track their IT assets, which cannot deal with the accelerating pace of IT infrastructure development.

    Currently, DCIM solution proving companies are mostly focusing on product development and launches to cater to the evolving needs of customers. For instance, in March 2020, ABB Ltd. introduced MegaFlex, a compact and resilient uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system, for continuous data center operations. This system was introduced to meet the burgeoning demand for infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and software as a service (SaaS) applications in business organizations, owing to which, data centers have become extensively crucial.

    Such novel products are being utilized by the banking, financial services, and insurance (BFSI), manufacturing, telecommunications, government and public sector, healthcare and life sciences, and IT and information technology-enabled services (ITeS) sectors for managing their data centers. All these sectors prefer on-premises solutions over the cloud-enabled ones, as monitoring data on infrastructure availability, humidity, power consumption, temperature, airflow, and other aspects has become very important, which can be efficiently done through such solutions.

    In the coming years, the Asia-Pacific (APAC) data center infrastructure management market will record the fastest sales of DCIM solutions, due to the accelerating adoption rate of advanced digital technologies, such as the internet of things (IoT) and machine learning, in Japan, China, and India. Moreover, the mounting investments being made in infrastructure development in these countries and escalating interest of regional governments on developing data centers will fuel the adoption of DCIM solutions in the region in the foreseeable future.

    Thus, the growing penetration of 5G network and soaring need for managing high volumes of data generated by several end-use industries will augment the need for DCIM solutions in the forthcoming years.

    Read More: https://www.psmarketresearch.com/market-analysis/data-center-infrastructure-management-dcim-market
    How Is 5G Adoption Boosting Data Center Infrastructure Management Demand? Data center strategy needs to be planned in such a manner that the systems never malfunction in any circumstance. As a result, data center managers are opting for data center infrastructure management (DCIM) solutions as they offer insights and visibility by monitoring different parameters, such as the performance of data center computers and servers, network operations, and security uptime, and resolving network issues as they arise. Owing to these advantages, DCIM solutions are being increasingly adopted by organizations for improving their decision-making process and by data centers for enhancing their uptime with better energy services. The surging use of such solutions can be credited to the increasing deployment of 5G network, which enables smooth movement of data between locations. This novel communication technology will offer support for extensive machine-to-machine communications, with around 100,000 connections per square kilometer. 5G also plays a significant role in establishing smart cities, which generate a huge volume of data that needs to be managed efficiently. Thus, the rising penetration of the 5G network, will steer the data center infrastructure management market growth during 2021–2030. According to P&S Intelligence, the market reached $1,425.6 million revenue in 2020. At present, DCIM solutions offered by Panduit Corporation, Infosys Ltd., ABB Ltd., IBM Corporation, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd., Modius Inc., CommScope Inc., Nlyte Software, Delta Electronics Inc., NTT DATA Corporation, Hewlett-Packard Enterprise, Raritan Inc., and Cisco Systems Inc. are mostly used for asset management application. In recent years, information technology (IT) asset management has become very difficult due to the surging complexities of the systems. Many small organizations use paper and pen and spreadsheet-based solutions to track their IT assets, which cannot deal with the accelerating pace of IT infrastructure development. Currently, DCIM solution proving companies are mostly focusing on product development and launches to cater to the evolving needs of customers. For instance, in March 2020, ABB Ltd. introduced MegaFlex, a compact and resilient uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system, for continuous data center operations. This system was introduced to meet the burgeoning demand for infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and software as a service (SaaS) applications in business organizations, owing to which, data centers have become extensively crucial. Such novel products are being utilized by the banking, financial services, and insurance (BFSI), manufacturing, telecommunications, government and public sector, healthcare and life sciences, and IT and information technology-enabled services (ITeS) sectors for managing their data centers. All these sectors prefer on-premises solutions over the cloud-enabled ones, as monitoring data on infrastructure availability, humidity, power consumption, temperature, airflow, and other aspects has become very important, which can be efficiently done through such solutions. In the coming years, the Asia-Pacific (APAC) data center infrastructure management market will record the fastest sales of DCIM solutions, due to the accelerating adoption rate of advanced digital technologies, such as the internet of things (IoT) and machine learning, in Japan, China, and India. Moreover, the mounting investments being made in infrastructure development in these countries and escalating interest of regional governments on developing data centers will fuel the adoption of DCIM solutions in the region in the foreseeable future. Thus, the growing penetration of 5G network and soaring need for managing high volumes of data generated by several end-use industries will augment the need for DCIM solutions in the forthcoming years. Read More: https://www.psmarketresearch.com/market-analysis/data-center-infrastructure-management-dcim-market
    Data Center Infrastructure Management Market | DCIM Industry, 2030
    The global data center infrastructure management market valued ~$1.5 billion in 2020 and is expected to witness rapid growth in between 2021-30. The increasing deployment of the 5G network is a major trend of the DCIM industry.
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 7978 مشاهدة 0 معاينة
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